Below is a selection of mostly peer reviewed articles that use Nutils for numerical experiments. In case your Nutils powered research is not listed here, please send the DOI to or submit a pull request with the new entry. Articles that cite Nutils will be picked up automatically.
- Application of Backward Differential Formula and Anderson’s method for multigroup diffusion transient equation by A. Cherezov, A. Vasiliev and H. Ferroukhi, January 2025.
Low precision preconditioning for solving neutron diffusion eigenvalue problem by finite element method by A. Cherezov, A. Vasiliev and H, Ferroukhi, October 2024.
Echocardiogram-based ventricular isogeometric cardiac analysis using multi-patch fitted NURBS by R. Willems, L. Verberne, O. van der Sluis and C.V. Verhoosel, May 2024.
A light Darwin implementation of Maxwell’s equations to quantify resistive, inductive, and capacitive couplings in windings by S. Pourkeivannour, J.S.B. van Zwieten, K. Iwai and M. Curti, March 2024.
A Shape Derivative Approach to Domain Simplification by J. Hinz, O. Chanon, A. Arrigoni and A. Buffa, February 2024.
Finite element and isogeometric stabilized methods for the advection-diffusion-reaction equation by K. Key, M.R.A. Abdelmalik, S. Elgeti, T.J.R. Hughes and F.A. Baidoo, December 2023.
Scan-Based Immersed Isogeometric Flow Analysis by C.V. Verhoosel, E.H. van Brummelen, S.C. Divi and F. de Prenter, November 2023.
Current progress toward isogeometric modeling of the heart biophysics by M. Torre, S. Morganti, F.S. Pasqualini and A. Reali, November 2023.
A Comparative Study of Finite Element Method and Hybrid Finite Element Method–Spectral Element Method Approaches Applied to Medium-Frequency Transformers with Foil Windings by S. Pourkeivannour, J.S.B. van Zwieten, L.A.J. Friedrich, M. Curti and E.A. Lomonova, November 2023.
Numerical investigation of the sharp-interface limit of the Navier–Stokes–Cahn–Hilliard equations by T.H.B. Demont, S.K.F. Stoter and E.H. van Brummelen, September 2023.
An isogeometric analysis framework for ventricular cardiac mechanics by R. Willems, K.L.P.M. Janssens, P.H.M. Bovendeerd, C.V. Verhoosel and O. van der Sluis, August 2023.
Optimal Coil Design for Coreless Linear Motors Based on the Extended Stream-Function Method by B.J.A. Kuijpers, J.W. Jansen and E.A. Lomonova, July 2023.
Critical time-step size analysis and mass scaling by ghost-penalty for immersogeometric explicit dynamics by S.K.F. Stoter, S.C. Divi, E.H. van Brummelen, M.G. Larson, F. de Prenter and C.V. Verhoosel, July 2023.
Isogeometric mixed collocation of nearly-incompressible electromechanics in finite deformations for cardiac muscle simulations by M. Torre, S. Morganti, A. Nitti, M.D. de Tullio, F.S. Pasqualini and Alessandro Reali, June 2023.
Reversal of Solvent Migration in Poroelastic Folds by M.M. Flapper, A. Pandey, M.H. Essink, E.H. van Brummelen, S. Karpitschka and J.H. Snoeijer, June 2023.
Immersed isogeometric analysis based on a hybrid collocation/finite cell method by M. Torre, S. Morganti, F.S. Pasqualini, A. Düster and A. Reali, February 2023.
A thermodynamically consistent J-integral formulation for fluid-driven fracture propagation in poroelastic continua by E.A. Bergkamp, C.V. Verhoosel, J.J.C. Remmers and D.M.J. Smeulders, January 2023.
Soft wetting with (a)symmetric Shuttleworth effect by C. Henkel, M.H. Essink, T. Hoang, G.J. van Zwieten, E.H. van Brummelen and U. Thiele, August 2022.
Entropy bounds for the space–time discontinuous Galerkin finite element moment method applied to the BGK–Boltzmann equation by M.R.A. Abdelmalik, D.A.M. van der Woude and E.H.van Brummelen, August 2022.
Residual-based error estimation and adaptivity for stabilized immersed isogeometric analysis using truncated hierarchical B-splines by S.C. Divi, P.H. van Zuijlen, T. Hoang, F. de Prenter, F. Auricchio, A. Reali, E.H. van Brummelen and C.V. Verhoosel, May 2022.
Inverting elastic dislocations using the Weakly-enforced Slip Method by G.J. van Zwieten, E.H. van Brummelen and R.F. Hanssen, April 2022.
A dimensionally-reduced fracture flow model for poroelastic media with fluid entry resistance and fluid slip by E.A. Bergkamp, C.V. Verhoosel, J.J.C. Remmers and D.M.J. Smeulders, April 2022.
An efficient isogeometric collocation approach to cardiac electrophysiology by M. Torre, S. Morganti, A. Nitti, M.D. de Tullio, F.S. Pasqualini and A. Reali, April 2022.
preCICE v2: A sustainable and user-friendly coupling library by G. Chourdakis, K. Davis, B. Rodenberg, M. Schulte, F. Simonis, B. Uekermann, G. Abrams, H. Bungartz, L.C. Yau, I. Desai, K. Eder, R. Hertrich, F. Lindner, A. Rusch, D. Sashko, D. Schneider, A. Totounferoush, D. Volland, P. Vollmer and O.Z. Koseomur, April 2022.
Topology-preserving scan-based immersed isogeometric analysis by S.C. Divi, C.V. Verhoosel, F. Auricchio, A. Reali and E.H. van Brummelen, March 2022.
Anisotropic Congruency-Based Vector Hysteresis Model Applied to Non-Oriented Laminated Steels by R. Zeinali, D. Krop and E. Lomonova, June 2021.
The role of PDE-based parameterization techniques in gradient-based IGA shape optimization applications by J. Hinz, A. Jaeschke, M. Möller and C. Vuik, May 2021.
Finite Element Analysis of Laminar Heat Transfer within an Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Machine by R. Willems, L.A.J. Friedrich and C.V. Verhoosel, February 2021.
Time- and Frequency-Domain Steady-State Solutions of Nonlinear Motional Eddy Currents Problems by L.A.J. Friedrich, January 2021.
Error-estimate-based adaptive integration for immersed isogeometric analysis by S.C. Divi, C.V. Verhoosel, F. Auricchio, A. Reali and E.H. van Brummelen, December 2020.
Singular Nature of the Elastocapillary Ridge by A. Pandey, B. Andreotti, S. Karpitschka, G.J. van Zwieten, E.H. van Brummelen and J.H. Snoeijer, September 2020.
Quasi-Newton waveform iteration for partitioned surface-coupled multiphysics applications by B. Rüth, B. Uekermann, M. Mehl, P. Birken, A. Monge and H.J. Bungartz, June 2020.
A staggered finite element procedure for the coupled Stokes-Biot system with fluid entry resistance by E.A. Bergkamp, C.V. Verhoosel, J.J.C. Remmers and D.M.J Smeulders, May 2020.
Entropy Stable Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Moment Methods for Compressible Fluid Dynamics by M.R.A. Abdelmalik and E.H. van Brummelen, February 2020.
Splipy: B-Spline and NURBS Modelling in Python by K.A. Johannessen and E. Fonn, January 2020.
Multigrid solvers for immersed finite element methods and immersed isogeometric analysis by F. de Prenter, C.V. Verhoosel, E.H. van Brummelen, J.A. Evans, C. Messe, J. Benzaken and K. Maute, November 2019.
Isogeometric Analysis of the Gray-Scott Reaction-Diffusion Equations for Pattern Formation on Evolving Surfaces and Applications to Human Gyrification by J. Hinz, J. van Zwieten, M. Möller and F. Vermolen, October 2019.
Preconditioning immersed isogeometric finite element methods with application to flow problems by F. de Prenter, C.V. Verhoosel and E.H. van Brummelen, May 2019.
Finite-Volume High-Fidelity Simulation Combined with Finite-Element-Based Reduced-Order Modeling of Incompressible Flow Problems by E. Fonn, T. Kvamsdal and A. Rasheed, April 2019.
Skeleton-stabilized immersogeometric analysis for incompressible viscous flow problems by T. Hoang, C.V. Verhoosel, C. Qin, F. Auricchio, A. Reali and E.H. van Brummelen, February 2019.
Elliptic grid generation techniques in the framework of isogeometric analysis applications by J. Hinz, M. Möller and C. Vuik, October 2018.
Spline-Based Parameterization Techniques for Twin-Screw Machine Geometries by J. Hinz, M. Möller and C. Vuik, September 2018.
Skeleton-stabilized IsoGeometric Analysis: High-regularity interior-penalty methods for incompressible viscous flow problems by T. Hoang, C.V. Verhoosel, F. Auricchio, E.H. van Brummelen and A. Reali, August 2018.
Fracture behaviour of historic and new oak wood by R.A. Luimes, A.S.J. Suiker, C.V. Verhoosel and H.L. Schellen, July 2018.
A note on the stability parameter in Nitsche's method for unfitted boundary value problems by F. de Prenter, C. Lehrenfeld and A. Massing, April 2018.
Error estimation and adaptive moment hierarchies for goal-oriented approximations of the Boltzmann equation by M.R.A. Abdelmalik and E.H. van Brummelen, October 2017.
An MSSS-preconditioned matrix equation approach for the time-harmonic elastic wave equation at multiple frequencies by M. Baumann, R. Astudillo, Y. Qiu, E.Y.M. Ang, M.B. van Gijzen and R.E. Plessix, June 2017.
Mixed Isogeometric Finite Cell Methods for the Stokes problem by T. Hoang, C.V. Verhoosel, F. Auricchio, E.H. van Brummelen and A. Reali, April 2017.
Elasto-capillarity Simulations based on the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard Equations by E.H. Van Brummelen, M. Shokrpour-Roudbari and G.J. Van Zwieten, October 2016.
A fracture-controlled path-following technique for phase-field modeling of brittle fracture by N. Singh, C.V. Verhoosel, R. de Borst and E.H. van Brummelen, June 2016.
Condition number analysis and preconditioning of the finite cell method by F. de Prenter, C.V. Verhoosel, G.J. van Zwieten and E.H. van Brummelen, January 2016.
Duality-based two-level error estimation for time-dependent PDEs: Application to linear and nonlinear parabolic equations by G. Şimşek, X. Wu, K.G. van der Zee and E.H. van Brummelen, May 2015.
On the use of adaptive refinement in isogeometric digitalimage correlation S.M. Kleinendorst, J.P.M. Hoefnagels, C.V. Verhoosel and A.P. Ruybalid, May 2015.
Image-based goal-oriented adaptive isogeometric analysis with application to the micro-mechanical modeling of trabecular bone by C.V. Verhoosel, G.J. van Zwietena, B. van Rietbergen and R. de Borst, February 2015.
A finite-element/boundary-element method for three-dimensional, large-displacement fluid–structure-interaction by T.M. van Opstal, E.H. van Brummelen and G.J. van Zwieten, February 2015.
- Discontinuities without discontinuity: The Weakly-enforced Slip Method by G.J. van Zwietena, E.H. van Brummelen, K.G. van der Zee, M.A. Gutiérrez and R.F. Hanssen, April 2014.
Stabilized second-order convex splitting schemes for Cahn–Hilliard models with application to diffuse-interface tumor-growth models by X. Wu, G.J. van Zwieten and K.G. van der Zee, September 2013.
Adaptive Time-Stepping for Cahn-Hilliard-type Equations with Application to Diffuse-Interface Tumor-growth Models (pdf) by X. Wu, G.J. Van Zwieten, K.G. van der Zee and G. Simsek, March 2013.
Shape-Newton Method for Isogeometric Discretizations of Free-Boundary Problems by K.G. van der Zee, G.J. van Zwieten, C.V. Verhoosel and E.H. van Brummelen, February 2013.