About Nutils
Nutils is a Free and Open Source Python programming library for Finite Element Method computations, developed by Evalf and distributed under the permissive MIT license. Key features are a readable, math centric syntax, an object oriented design, strict separation of topology and geometry, and high level function manipulations with support for automatic differentiation.
Nutils provides the tools required to construct a typical simulation workflow in just a few lines of Python code, while at the same time leaving full flexibility to build novel workflows or interact with third party tools. With native support for Isogeometric Analysis (IGA), the Finite Cell method (FCM), multi-physics, mixed methods, and hierarchical refinement, Nutils forms an excellent platform for numerical science. Efficient under-the-hood vectorization and built-in parallellisation provide for an effortless transition from academic research projects to full scale, real world applications.
How to Read This Book
Since Nutils is a library for the development of numerical simulations, this book assumes that the reader is familiar with differential calculus, Galerkin methods, and the Finite Element Method. If this is not the case, chances are that Nutils is not the tool they are looking for.
First time users who are eager to get their feet wet will want to begin with the getting started guide and build a functioning Poisson solver in three easy steps, no questions asked. Following this, beginners are strongly advised to follow the hands on tutorial to gain an an in-depth understanding of Nutils concepts and get familiar with the syntax.
Novices and advanced users alike may find interest in the installation guide, which ranges from basic installation instructions to tips and tricks for optimizing the installation, instructions for running a Docker style container, and suggestions for computing remotely.
The release history provides an overview of changes between releases. This is the place to monitor for long term users who want to keep up to date with the latest and greatest new features. The release pages also provide links to the relevant API reference where all Nutils functions are documented.
Anybody looking to build their own Nutils simulations are encouraged to browse through the example projects. Most simulations will have components in common with existing scripts, so a mix-and-match approach is a good way to start building your own. In case questions do remain, the support page lists ways of getting in touch with developers.
Finally, the science section provides an overview of publications that use Nutils in their research. Reproducing results from these articles is a great starting point for follow-up research, as well as good scientific practice in its own right. Help others do the same by citing Nutils in your own publications!
Getting Started
The following is a quick start guide to running your first Nutils simulation in three simple steps. Afterward, be sure to read the installation guide for extra installation instructions, study the tutorial to familiarize yourself with Nutils' concepts and syntax, and explore the examples for inspiration.
Step 1: Install Nutils and Matplotlib
With Python version 3.7 or newer installed, Nutils and Matplotlib can be installed via the Python Package Index using the pip package installer. In a terminal window:
python -m pip install --user nutils matplotlib
Note that Nutils depends on Numpy, Treelog and Stringly, which means that these modules are pulled in automatically if they were not installed prior. Though most Nutils applications will require Matplotlib for visualization, it is not a dependency for Nutils itself, and is therefore installed explicitly.
Step 2: Create a simulation script
Open a text editor and create a file poisson.py
with the following contents:
from nutils import mesh, function, solver, export, cli
def main(nelems: int = 10, etype: str = 'square'):
domain, x = mesh.unitsquare(nelems, etype)
u = function.dotarg('udofs', domain.basis('std', degree=1))
g = u.grad(x)
J = function.J(x)
cons = solver.optimize('udofs',
domain.boundary.integral(u**2 * J, degree=2), droptol=1e-12)
udofs = solver.optimize('udofs',
domain.integral((g @ g / 2 - u) * J, degree=1), constrain=cons)
bezier = domain.sample('bezier', 3)
x, u = bezier.eval([x, u], udofs=udofs)
export.triplot('u.png', x, u, tri=bezier.tri, hull=bezier.hull)
Note that while we could make the script even shorter by avoiding the main
function and cli.run
, the above structure is preferred as it automatically
sets up a logging environment, activates a matrix backend and handles command
line parsing.
Step 3: Run the simulation
Back in the terminal, the simulation can now be started by running:
python poisson.py
This should produce the following output:
nutils v7.0
optimize > constrained 40/121 dofs
optimize > optimum value 0.00e+00
optimize > solve > solving 81 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
optimize > solve > solver returned with residual 6e-17
optimize > optimum value -1.75e-02
log written to file:///home/myusername/public_html/poisson.py/log.html
If the terminal is reasonably modern (Windows users may want to install the new Windows Terminal) then the messages are coloured for extra clarity. The last line of the log shows the location of the simultaneously generated html file that holds the same log, as well as a link to the generated image.
To run the same simulation on a mesh that is finer and made up or triangles instead of squares, arguments can be provided on the command line:
python poisson.py nelems=20 etype=triangle
Nutils requires a working installation of Python 3.7 or higher. Many different installers exist and there are no known issues with any of them. When in doubt about which to use, a safe option is to go with the official installer. From there on Nutils can be installed following the steps below.
Depending on your system the Python executable may be installed as either
or python3
, or both, not to mention alternative implementations such
as pypy
or pyston
. In the following instructions, python
is to be
replaced with the relevant executable name.
Installing Nutils
Nutils is installed via Python's Pip package
installer, which most Python distributions install by default. In the following
instructions we add the flag --user
for a local installation that does not
require system privileges, which is recommended but not required.
The following command installs the stable version of Nutils from the package archive, along with its dependencies Numpy, Treelog and Stringly:
python -m pip install --user nutils
To install the most recent development version we use Github's ability to generate zip balls:
python -m pip install --user --force-reinstall \
Alternatively, if the Git version control system is installed, we can use pip's ability to interact with it directly to install the same version as follows:
python -m pip install --user --force-reinstall \
This notation has the advantage that even a specific commit (rather than a
branch) can be installed directly by specifying it after the @
Finally, if we do desire a checkout of Nutils' source code, for instance to make changes to it, then we can instruct pip to install directly from the location on disk:
git clone https://github.com/evalf/nutils.git
cd nutils
python -m pip install --user .
In this scenario it is possible to add the --editable
flag to install Nutils
by reference, rather than by making a copy, which is useful in situations of
active development. Note, however, that pip requires manual intervention to
revert back to a subsequent installation by copy.
Installing a matrix backend
Nutils currently supports three matrix backends: Numpy, Scipy and MKL. Since Numpy is a primary dependency this backend is always available. Unfortunately it is also the least performant of the three because of its inability to exploit sparsity. It is therefore strongly recommended to install one of the other two backends via the instructions below.
By default, Nutils automatically activates the best available matrix backend:
MKL, Scipy or Numpy, in that order. A consequence of this is that a faulty
installation may easily go unnoticed as Nutils will silently fall back on a
lesser backend. As such, to make sure that the installation was successful it
is recommended to force the backend at least once by setting the
environment variable. In Linux:
NUTILS_MATRIX=MKL python myscript.py
The Scipy matrix backend becomes available when Scipy is installed, either using the platform's package manager or via pip:
python -m pip install --user scipy
In addition to a sparse direct solver, the Scipy backend provides many
iterative solvers such as CG, CGS and GMRES, as well as preconditioners. The
direct solver can optionally be made more performant by additionally installing
the scikit-umfpack
Intel's oneAPI Math Kernel Library provides the Pardiso sparse direct solver, which is easily the most powerful direct solver that is currently supported. It is installed via the official instructions, or, if applicable, by any of the steps below.
On a Debian based Linux system (such as Ubuntu) the libraries can be directly installed via the package manager:
sudo apt install libmkl-rt
For Fedora or Centos Linux, Intel maintains its own repository that can be added with the following steps:
sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://yum.repos.intel.com/mkl/setup/intel-mkl.repo
sudo rpm --import https://yum.repos.intel.com/intel-gpg-keys/GPG-PUB-KEY-INTEL-SW-PRODUCTS-2019.PUB
sudo dnf install intel-mkl
sudo tee /etc/ld.so.conf.d/mkl.conf << EOF > /dev/null
sudo ldconfig -v
Quality of Life
Here we list some modules that are not direct requirements, but that can be used in conjunction with Nutils to make life a little bit better.
BottomBar is a context manager for Python
that prints a status line at the bottom of a terminal window. When it is
installed, cli.run
automatically activates it to display the location of the
html log (rather than only logging it at the beginning and end of the
simulation) as well as runtime and memory usage information.
python -m pip install bottombar
Improving performance
While Nutils is not (yet) the fastest tool in its class, with some effort it is possible to achieve sufficient performance to allow simulations of over a million degrees of freedom. The matrix backend is the most important thing to get right, but there are a few other factors that are worth considering.
Enable parallel processing
On multi-core architectures, the most straightforward acceleration path
available is to use parallel assembly, activated using the NUTILS_NPROCS
environment variable. Both Linux and OS X both are supported. Unfortunately,
the feature is currently disabled on Windows as it does not support the fork
system call that is used by the current implementation.
On Windows, the easiest way to enjoy parallel speedup is to make use of the new Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2), which is complete Linux environment running on top of Windows. To install it simply select one of the many Linux distributions from the Windows store, such as Ubuntu 20.04 LTS or Debian GNU/Linux.
Disable threads
Many Numpy installations default to using the openBLAS library to provide its
linear algebra routines, which supports multi-threading using the openMP
parallelization standard. While this is useful in general, it is in fact
detrimental in case Nutils is using parallel assembly, in which case the
numerical operations are best performed sequentially. This can be achieved by
setting the OMP_NUM_THREADS
environment variable.
In Linux this can be done permanently by adding the following line to the
shell's configuration file. In Linux this is typically ~/.bashrc
The downside to this approach is that multithreading is disabled for all applications that use openBLAS, not just Nutils. Alternatively in Linux the setting can be specified one-off in the form of a prefix:
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 NUTILS_NPROCS=8 python myscript.py
Consider a faster interpreter
The most commonly used Python interpreter is without doubt the CPython reference implementation, but it is not the only option. Before taking an application in production it may be worth testing if other implementations have useful performance benefits.
One interpreter of note is Pyston, which brings
just-in-time compilation enhancements that in a typical application can yield a
20% speed improvement. After Pyston is installed, Nutils and dependencies can
be installed as before simply replacing python
by pyston3
. As packages will
be installed from source some development libraries may need to be installed,
but what is missing can usually be inferred from the error messages.
Using Containers
As an alternative to installing Nutils, it is possible to download a preinstalled system image with all the above considerations taken care of. Nutils provides OCI compatible containers for all releases, as well as the current developement version, which can be run using tools such as Docker or Podman. The images are hosted in Github's container repository.
The container images include all the official examples. To run
one, add the name of the example and any additional arguments to the command
line. For example, you can run example laplace
using the latest version of
Nutils with:
docker run --rm -it ghcr.io/evalf/nutils:latest laplace
HTML log files are generated in the /log
directory of the container. If you
want to store the log files in /path/to/log
on the host, add -v /path/to/log:/log
to the command line before the name of the image. Extending
the previous example:
docker run --rm -it -v /path/to/log:/log ghcr.io/evalf/nutils:latest laplace
To run a Python script in this container, bind mount the directory containing
the script, including all files necessary to run the script, to /app
in the
container and add the relative path to the script and any arguments to the
command line. For example, you can run /path/to/myscript.py
with Docker
docker run --rm -it -v /path/to:/app:ro ghcr.io/evalf/nutils:latest myscript.py
Remote Computing
Computations beyond a certain size are usually moved to a remote computing facility, typically accessed using tools such as Secure Shell or Mosh, combined with a terminal multiplexer such as GNU Screen or Tmux. In this scenario it is useful to install a webserver for remote viewing of the html logs.
The standard ~/public_html
output directory is configured with the scenario
in mind, as the Apache webserver uses this as the
default user
directory. As this
is disabled by default, the module needs to be enabled by editing the relevant
configuration file or, in Debian Linux, by using the a2enmod
sudo a2enmod userdir
Similar behaviour can be achieved with the Nginx by configuring a location pattern in the appropriate server block:
location ~ ^/~(.+?)(/.*)?$ {
alias /home/$1/public_html$2;
Finally, the terminal output can be made to show the http address rather than
the local uri by adding the following line to the ~/.nutilsrc
outrooturi = 'https://mydomain.tld/~myusername/'
In this tutorial we will explore Nutils' main building blocks by solving a simple 1D Laplace problem. The tutorial assumes knowledge of the Python programming language, as well as familiarity with the third party modules Numpy and Matplotlib. It also assumes knowledge of advanced calculus, weak formulations, and the Finite Element Method, and makes heavy use of Einstein notation.
Whetting your Appetite
The computation that we will work towards amounts to about 20 lines of Nutils code, including visualization. The entire script is presented below, in copy-pasteable form suitable for interactive exploration using for example ipython. In the sections that follow we will go over these lines ones by one and explain the relevant concepts involved.
from nutils import function, mesh, solver
from nutils.expression_v2 import Namespace
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
topo, geom = mesh.rectilinear([numpy.linspace(0, 1, 5)])
ns = Namespace()
ns.x = geom
ns.define_for('x', gradient='∇', normal='n', jacobians=('dV', 'dS'))
ns.basis = topo.basis('spline', degree=1)
ns.u = function.dotarg('lhs', ns.basis)
sqr = topo.boundary['left'].integral('u^2 dS' @ ns, degree=2)
cons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15)
# optimize > constrained 1/5 dofs
# optimize > optimum value 0.00e+00
res = topo.integral('∇_i(basis_n) ∇_i(u) dV' @ ns, degree=0)
res -= topo.boundary['right'].integral('basis_n dS' @ ns, degree=0)
lhs = solver.solve_linear('lhs', residual=res, constrain=cons)
# solve > solving 4 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 9e-16±1e-15
bezier = topo.sample('bezier', 32)
nanjoin = lambda array, tri: numpy.insert(array.take(tri.flat, 0).astype(float),
slice(tri.shape[1], tri.size, tri.shape[1]), numpy.nan, axis=0)
sampled_x = nanjoin(bezier.eval('x_0' @ ns), bezier.tri)
def plot_line(func, **arguments):
plt.plot(sampled_x, nanjoin(bezier.eval(func, **arguments), bezier.tri))
plt.xticks(numpy.linspace(0, 1, 5))
plot_line(ns.u, lhs=lhs)
You are encouraged to execute this code at least once before reading on, as the
code snippets that follow may assume certain products to be present in the
namespace. In particular the plot_line
function is used heavily in the
ensuing sections.
A Little Bit of Theory
We will introduce fundamental Nutils concepts based on the 1D homogeneous Laplace problem,
with boundary conditions and . Even though the solution is trivially found to be , the example serves to introduce many key concepts in the Nutils paradigm, concepts that can then be applied to solve a wide class of physics problems.
Weak Form
A key step to solving a problem using the Finite Element Method is to cast it into weak form.
Let be the unit line with boundaries and , and let be a suitable function space such that any satisfies in . The Laplace problem is solved uniquely by the element for which for all test functions , with the bilinear functional
Discrete Solution
The final step before turning to code is to make the problem discrete.
To restrict ourselves to a finite dimensional subspace we adopt a set of Finite Element basis functions . In this space, the Finite Element solution is established by solving the linear system of equations , with residual vector , and discrete solution
Note that discretization inevitably implies approximation, i.e. in general. In this case, however, we choose to be the space of piecewise linears, which contains the exact solution. We therefore expect our Finite Element solution to be exact.
Topology vs Geometry
Rather than having a single concept of what is typically referred to as the
'mesh', Nutils maintains a strict separation of topology and geometry. The
represents a collection of elements and
inter-element connectivity, along with recipes for creating bases. It has no
(public) notion of position. The geometry takes the nutils.topology.Topology
and positions it in space. This separation makes it possible to define
multiple geometries belonging to a single nutils.topology.Topology
, a feature
that is useful for example in certain Lagrangian formulations.
While not having mesh objects, Nutils does have a nutils.mesh
module, which
hosts functions that return tuples of topology and geometry. Nutils provides
two builtin mesh generators: nutils.mesh.rectilinear
, a generator for
structured topologies (i.e. tensor products of one or more one-dimensional
topologies), and nutils.mesh.unitsquare
, a unit square mesh generator with
square or triangular elements or a mixture of both. The latter is mostly
useful for testing. In addition to generators, Nutils also provides the
importer for gmsh-generated meshes.
The structured mesh generator takes as its first argument a list of element vertices per dimension. A one-dimensional topology with four elements of equal size between 0 and 1 is generated by
mesh.rectilinear([[0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]])
# (StructuredTopology<4>, Array<1>)
Alternatively we could have used numpy.linspace
to generate a sequence of
equidistant vertices, and unpack the resulting tuple:
topo, geom = mesh.rectilinear([numpy.linspace(0, 1, 5)])
We will use this topology and geometry throughout the remainder of this tutorial.
Note that the argument is a list of length one: this outer sequence lists the dimensions, the inner the vertices per dimension. To generate a two-dimensional topology, simply add a second list of vertices to the outer list. For example, an equidistant topology with four by eight elements with a unit square geometry is generated by
mesh.rectilinear([numpy.linspace(0, 1, 5), numpy.linspace(0, 1, 9)])
# (StructuredTopology<4x8>, Array<2>)
Any topology defines a boundary via the nutils.topology.Topology.boundary
attribute. Optionally, a topology can offer subtopologies via the getitem
operator. The rectilinear mesh generator automatically defines 'left' and
'right' boundary groups for the first dimension, making the left boundary
accessible as:
# StructuredTopology<>
Optionally, a topology can be made periodic in one or more dimensions by
passing a list of dimension indices to be periodic via the keyword argument
. For example, to make the second dimension of the above
two-dimensional mesh periodic, add periodic=[1]
mesh.rectilinear([numpy.linspace(0, 1, 5), numpy.linspace(0, 1, 9)], periodic=[1])
# (StructuredTopology<4x8p>, Array<2>)
Note that in this case the boundary topology, though still available, is empty.
In Nutils, a basis is a vector-valued function object that evaluates, in any given point on the topology, to the full array of basis function values . It must be pointed out that Nutils will in practice operate only on the basis functions that are locally non-zero, a key optimization in Finite Element computations. But as a concept, it helps to think of a basis as evaluating always to the full array.
Several nutils.topology.Topology
objects support creating bases via the
method. A nutils.topology.StructuredTopology
, as generated
by nutils.mesh.rectilinear
, can create a spline basis with arbitrary degree
and arbitrary continuity. The following generates a degree one spline basis on
our previously created unit line topology topo
basis = topo.basis('spline', degree=1)
The five basis functions are
We will use this basis throughout the following sections.
Change the degree
argument to 2
for a quadratic spline basis:
plot_line(topo.basis('spline', degree=2))
By default the continuity of the spline functions at element edges is the
degree minus one. To change this, pass the desired continuity via keyword
argument continuity
. For example, a quadratic spline basis with
continuity is generated with
plot_line(topo.basis('spline', degree=2, continuity=0))
continuous spline bases can also be generated by the 'std'
plot_line(topo.basis('std', degree=2))
The 'std'
basis is supported by topologies with square and/or triangular
elements without hanging nodes.
Discontinuous basis functions are generated using the 'discont'
type, e.g.
plot_line(topo.basis('discont', degree=2))
A function in Nutils is a mapping from a topology onto an n-dimensional
array, and comes in the form of a functions: nutils.function.Array
object. It
is not to be confused with Python's own function objects, which operate on the
space of general Python objects. Two examples of Nutils functions have already
made the scene: the geometry geom
, as returned by nutils.mesh.rectilinear
and the bases generated by Topology.basis()
. Though seemingly different,
these two constructs are members of the same class and in fact fully
The nutils.function.Array
functions behave very much like numpy.ndarray
objects: the functions have a nutils.function.Array.shape
and a nutils.function.Array.dtype
# (1,)
# (5,)
# 1
# <class 'float'>
The functions support numpy-style indexing. For example, to get the first
element of the geometry geom
you can write geom[0]
and to select the first
two basis functions you can write
The usual unary and binary operators are available:
Several trigonometric functions are defined in the nutils.function
An example with a sine function:
The dot product is available via nutils.function.dot
. To contract the basis
with an arbitrary coefficient vector:
plot_line(function.dot(basis, [1,2,0,5,4]))
Recalling the definition of the discrete solution, the above is precisely the way to evaluate the resulting function. What remains now is to establish the coefficients for which this function solves the Laplace problem.
A discrete model is often written in terms of an unknown, or a vector of
unknowns. In Nutils this translates to a function argument,
. Usually an argument is used in an inner product
with a basis. For this purpose there exists the nutils.function.dotarg
function. For example, the discrete
solution can be written as
ns.u = function.dotarg('lhs', ns.basis)
with the argument identified by 'lhs'
the vector of unknowns .
Nutils functions behave entirely like Numpy arrays, and can be manipulated as
such, using a combination of operators, object methods, and methods found in
the nutils.function
module. Though powerful, the resulting code is often
lengthy, littered with colons and brackets, and hard to read. Namespaces
provide an alternative, cleaner syntax for a prominent subset of array
A nutils.expression_v2.Namespace
is a collection of nutils.function.Array
functions. An empty nutils.expression_v2.Namespace
is created as follows:
ns = Namespace()
New entries are added to a nutils.expression_v2.Namespace
by assigning an
to an attribute. For example, to assign the geometry
to ns.x
, simply type
ns.x = geom
You can now use ns.x
where you would use geom
. Usually you want to add the
gradient, normal and jacobian of this geometry to the namespace as well. This
can be done using nutils.expression_v2.Namespace.define_for
naming the
geometry (as present in the namespace) and names for the gradient, normal, and
the jacobian as keyword arguments:
ns.define_for('x', gradient='∇', normal='n', jacobians=('dV', 'dS'))
Note that any keyword argument is optional.
To assign a linear basis to ns.basis
, type
ns.basis = topo.basis('spline', degree=1)
and to assign the discrete solution as the inner product of this basis with
argument 'lhs'
, type
ns.u = function.dotarg('lhs', ns.basis)
You can also assign numbers and numpy.ndarray
ns.a = 1
ns.b = 2
ns.c = numpy.array([1,2])
ns.A = numpy.array([[1,2],[3,4]])
In addition to inserting ready objects, a namespace's real power lies in its
ability to be assigned string expressions. These expressions may reference any
function present in the
, and must explicitly name all array
dimensions, with the object of both aiding readibility and facilitating high
order tensor manipulations. A short explanation of the syntax follows; see
for the complete documentation.
A term is written by joining variables with spaces, optionally preceeded by a
single number, e.g. 2 a b
. A fraction is written as two terms joined by
, e.g. 2 a / 3 b
, which is equivalent to (2 a) / (3 b)
. An addition
or subtraction is written as two terms joined by +
or -
, respectively,
e.g. 1 + a b - 2 b
. Exponentation is written by two variables or numbers
joined by ^
, e.g. a^2
. Several trigonometric functions are available, e.g.
0.5 sin(a)
Assigning an expression to the namespace is then done as follows.
ns.e = '2 a / 3 b'
ns.e = (2*ns.a) / (3*ns.b) # equivalent w/o expression
The resulting ns.e
is an ordinary nutils.function.Array
. Note that the
variables used in the expression should exist in the namespace, not just as a
local variable:
localvar = 1
ns.f = '2 localvar'
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# ...
# nutils.expression_v2.ExpressionSyntaxError: No such variable: `localvar`.
# 2 localvar
# ^^^^^^^^
When using arrays in an expression all axes of the arrays should be labelled
with an index, e.g. 2 c_i
and c_i A_jk
. Repeated indices are summed, e.g.
is the trace of d
and A_ij c_j
is the matrix-vector product of d
and c
. You can also insert a number, e.g. c_0
is the first element of c
All terms in an expression should have the same set of indices after summation,
e.g. it is an error to write c_i + 1
When assigning an expression with remaining indices to the namespace, the indices should be listed explicitly at the left hand side:
ns.f_i = '2 c_i'
ns.f = 2*ns.c # equivalent w/o expression
The order of the indices matter: the resulting nutils.function.Array
have its axes ordered by the listed indices. The following three statements
are equivalent:
ns.g_ijk = 'c_i A_jk'
ns.g_kji = 'c_k A_ji'
ns.g = ns.c[:,numpy.newaxis,numpy.newaxis]*ns.A[numpy.newaxis,:,:] # equivalent w/o expression
Function ∇
, introduced to the namespace with
using geometry ns.x
, returns the
gradient of a variable with respect ns.x
, e.g. the gradient of the basis is
. This works with expressions as well, e.g. ∇_i(2 basis_n + basis_n^2)
is the gradient of 2 basis_n + basis_n^2
Manual evaluation
Sometimes it is useful to evaluate an expression to an
without inserting the result in the namespace.
This can be done using the <expression> @ <namespace>
notation. An example
with a scalar expression:
'2 a / 3 b' @ ns
# Array<>
(2*ns.a) / (3*ns.b) # equivalent w/o `... @ ns`
# Array<>
An example with a vector expression:
'2 c_i' @ ns
# Array<2>
2*ns.c # equivalent w/o `... @ ns`
# Array<2>
If an expression has more than one remaining index, the axes of the evaluated array are ordered alphabetically:
'c_i A_jk' @ ns
# Array<2,2,2>
ns.c[:,numpy.newaxis,numpy.newaxis]*ns.A[numpy.newaxis,:,:] # equivalent w/o `... @ ns`
# Array<2,2,2>
A central operation in any Finite Element application is to integrate a
function over a physical domain. In Nutils, integration starts with the
topology, in particular the integral()
The integral method takes a nutils.function.Array
function as first argument
and the degree as keyword argument. The function should contain the Jacobian of
the geometry against which the function should be integrated, using either
or dV
in a namespace expression (assuming the jacobian
has been added to the namespace using ns.define_for(..., jacobians=('dV', 'dS'))
). For example, the following integrates 1
against geometry x
I = topo.integral('1 dV' @ ns, degree=0)
# Array<>
The resulting nutils.function.Array
object is a representation of the
integral, as yet unevaluated. To compute the actual numbers, call the
# 1.0±1e-15
Be careful with including the Jacobian in your integrands. The following two integrals are different:
topo.integral('(1 + 1) dV' @ ns, degree=0).eval()
# 2.0±1e-15
topo.integral('1 + 1 dV' @ ns, degree=0).eval()
# 5.0±1e-15
Like any other nutils.function.Array
, the integrals can be added or
J = topo.integral('x_0 dV' @ ns, degree=1)
# 1.5±1e-15
Recall that a topology boundary is also a nutils.topology.Topology
and hence it supports integration. For example, to integrate the geometry x
over the entire boundary, write
topo.boundary.integral('x_0 dS' @ ns, degree=1).eval()
# 1.0±1e-15
To limit the integral to the right boundary, write
topo.boundary['right'].integral('x_0 dS' @ ns, degree=1).eval()
# 1.0±1e-15
Note that this boundary is simply a point and the integral a point evaluation.
Integrating and evaluating a 1D nutils.function.Array
results in a 1D
>>> topo.integral('basis_i dV' @ ns, degree=1).eval()
array([0.125, 0.25 , 0.25 , 0.25 , 0.125])±1e-15
Since the integrals of 2D nutils.function.Array
functions are usually sparse,
the Array.eval() <nutils.function.Array.eval>
method does not return a dense
, but a Nutils sparse matrix object: a subclass of
. Nutils interfaces several linear solvers (more on this
in Section solvers below) but if you want to use a
custom solver you can export the matrix to a dense, compressed sparse row or
coordinate representation via the Matrix.export()
method. An example:
M = topo.integral('∇_i(basis_m) ∇_i(basis_n) dV' @ ns, degree=1).eval()
# array([[ 4., -4., 0., 0., 0.],
# [-4., 8., -4., 0., 0.],
# [ 0., -4., 8., -4., 0.],
# [ 0., 0., -4., 8., -4.],
# [ 0., 0., 0., -4., 4.]])±1e-15
M.export('csr') # (data, column indices, row pointers) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
# (array([ 4., -4., -4., 8., -4., -4., 8., -4., -4., 8., -4., -4., 4.])±1e-15,
# array([0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4])±1e-15,
# array([ 0, 2, 5, 8, 11, 13])±1e-15)
M.export('coo') # (data, (row indices, column indices)) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
# (array([ 4., -4., -4., 8., -4., -4., 8., -4., -4., 8., -4., -4., 4.])±1e-15,
# (array([0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4])±1e-15,
# array([0, 1, 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4])±1e-15))
Using topologies, bases and integrals, we now have the tools in place to start performing some actual functional-analytical operations. We start with what is perhaps the simplest of its kind, the least squares projection, demonstrating the different implementations now available to us and working our way up from there.
Taking the geometry component as an example, to project it onto the basis means finding the coefficients such that
for all , or . This is implemented as follows:
A = topo.integral('basis_m basis_n dV' @ ns, degree=2).eval()
f = topo.integral('basis_n x_0 dV' @ ns, degree=2).eval()
# solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 3e-17±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
Alternatively, we can write this in the slightly more general form
res = topo.integral('basis_n (u - x_0) dV' @ ns, degree=2)
Taking the derivative of to gives the above
matrix , and substituting for the zero vector
yields . Nutils can compute those derivatives for you, using the
method Array.derivative()
to compute the derivative with respect to an
, returning a new nutils.function.Array
A = res.derivative('lhs').eval()
f = -res.eval(lhs=numpy.zeros(5))
# solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 3e-17±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
The above three lines are so common that they are combined in the function
solver.solve_linear('lhs', res)
# solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 3e-17±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
We can take this formulation one step further. Minimizing
for is equivalent to the above two variants. The derivative of to gives :
sqr = topo.integral('(u - x_0)^2 dV' @ ns, degree=2)
solver.solve_linear('lhs', sqr.derivative('lhs'))
# solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 6e-17±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
The optimization problem can also be solved by the
function, which has the added benefit that
may be nonlinear in --- a property not used here.
solver.optimize('lhs', sqr)
# optimize > solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# optimize > solve > solver returned with residual 0e+00±1e-15
# optimize > optimum value 0.00e+00±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
Nutils also supports solving a partial optimization problem. In the Laplace problem stated above, the Dirichlet boundary condition at minimizes the following functional:
sqr = topo.boundary['left'].integral('(u - 0)^2 dS' @ ns, degree=2)
By passing the droptol
argument, nutils.solver.optimize
returns an
array with nan
('not a number') for every entry for which the optimization
problem is invariant, or to be precise, where the variation is below
cons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15)
# optimize > constrained 1/5 dofs
# optimize > optimum value 0.00e+00
# array([ 0., nan, nan, nan, nan])±1e-15
Consider again the Laplace problem stated above. The residual is implemented as
res = topo.integral('∇_i(basis_n) ∇_i(u) dV' @ ns, degree=0)
res -= topo.boundary['right'].integral('basis_n dS' @ ns, degree=0)
Since this problem is linear in argument lhs
, we can use the
method to solve this problem. The constraints
are passed via the keyword argument constrain
lhs = solver.solve_linear('lhs', res, constrain=cons)
# solve > solving 4 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 9e-16±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
For nonlinear residuals you can use nutils.solver.newton
Having obtained the coefficient vector that solves the Laplace problem, we are
now interested in visualizing the function it represents. Nutils does not
provide its own post processing functionality, leaving that up to the
preference of the user. It does, however, facilitate it, by allowing
functions to be evaluated in samples. Bundling function
values and a notion of connectivity, these form a bridge between Nutils' world
of functions and the discrete realms of matplotlib,
VTK, etc.
The Topology.sample(method, ...)
method generates a collection of points on
the nutils.topology.Topology
, according to method
. The 'bezier'
generates equidistant points per element, including the element vertices. The
number of points per element per dimension is controlled by the second argument
of Topology.sample()
. An example:
bezier = topo.sample('bezier', 2)
The resulting nutils.sample.Sample
object can be used to evaluate
functions via the Sample.eval(func)
method. To
evaluate the geometry ns.x
x = bezier.eval('x_0' @ ns)
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.25, 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.75, 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
The first axis of the returned numpy.ndarray
represents the collection of
points. To reorder this into a sequence of lines in 1D, a triangulation in 2D
or in general a sequence of simplices, use the Sample.tri
x.take(bezier.tri, 0)
# array([[0. , 0.25],
# [0.25, 0.5 ],
# [0.5 , 0.75],
# [0.75, 1. ]])±1e-15
Now, the first axis represents the simplices and the second axis the vertices of the simplices.
If an nutils.function.Array
function has arguments, those arguments must be
specified by keyword arguments to Sample.eval()
. For example, to evaluate
with argument lhs
replaced by solution vector lhs
, obtained using
above, write
u = bezier.eval('u' @ ns, lhs=lhs)
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.25, 0.5 , 0.5 , 0.75, 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
We can now plot the sampled geometry x
and solution u
using matplotlib
plotting each line in Sample.tri
with a different color:
>>> plt.plot(x.take(bezier.tri.T, 0), u.take(bezier.tri.T, 0))
Recall that we have imported matplotlib.pyplot
as plt
above. The
function takes an array of x-values and and array of y-values,
both with the first axis representing vertices and the second representing
separate lines, hence the transpose of bezier.tri
The plt.plot()
function also supports plotting lines with discontinuities,
which are represented by nan
values. We can use this to plot the solution as
a single, but possibly discontinuous line. The function numpy.insert
can be
used to prepare a suitable array. An example:
nanjoin = lambda array, tri: numpy.insert(array.take(tri.flat, 0).astype(float),
slice(tri.shape[1], tri.size, tri.shape[1]), numpy.nan, axis=0)
nanjoin(x, bezier.tri)
# array([0. , 0.25, nan, 0.25, 0.5 , nan, 0.5 , 0.75, nan, 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
plt.plot(nanjoin(x, bezier.tri), nanjoin(u, bezier.tri))
Note the difference in colors between the last two plots.
2D Laplace Problem
All of the above was written for a one-dimensional example. We now extend the Laplace problem to two dimensions and highlight the changes to the corresponding Nutils implementation. Let be a unit square with boundary , on which the following boundary conditions apply:
The 2D homogeneous Laplace solution is the field for which for all v, where
Adopting a Finite Element basis we obtain the discrete solution and the system of equations .
Following the same steps as in the 1D case, a unit square mesh with 10x10
elements is formed using nutils.mesh.rectilinear
nelems = 10
topo, geom = mesh.rectilinear([
numpy.linspace(0, 1, nelems+1), numpy.linspace(0, 1, nelems+1)])
Recall that nutils.mesh.rectilinear
takes a list of element vertices per
dimension. Alternatively you can create a unit square mesh using
, specifying the number of elements per dimension and
the element type:
topo, geom = mesh.unitsquare(nelems, 'square')
The above two statements generate exactly the same topology and geometry. Try
replacing 'square'
with 'triangle'
or 'mixed'
to generate a unit square
mesh with triangular elements or a mixture of square and triangular elements,
We start with a clean namespace, assign the geometry to ns.x
, create a linear
basis and define the solution ns.u
as the contraction of the basis with
argument lhs
ns = Namespace()
ns.x = geom
ns.define_for('x', gradient='∇', normal='n', jacobians=('dV', 'dS'))
ns.basis = topo.basis('std', degree=1)
ns.u = function.dotarg('lhs', ns.basis)
Note that the above statements are identical to those of the one-dimensional example.
The residual is implemented as
res = topo.integral('∇_i(basis_n) ∇_i(u) dV' @ ns, degree=2)
res -= topo.boundary['right'].integral('basis_n cos(1) cosh(x_1) dS' @ ns, degree=2)
The Dirichlet boundary conditions are rewritten as a least squares problem and
solved for lhs
, yielding the constraints vector cons
sqr = topo.boundary['left'].integral('u^2 dS' @ ns, degree=2)
sqr += topo.boundary['top'].integral('(u - cosh(1) sin(x_0))^2 dS' @ ns, degree=2)
cons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15)
# optimize > solve > solving 21 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# optimize > solve > solver returned with residual 3e-17±2e-15
# optimize > constrained 21/121 dofs
# optimize > optimum value 4.32e-10±1e-9
To solve the problem res=0
for lhs
subject to lhs=cons
the nan
values, we can use nutils.solver.solve_linear
lhs = solver.solve_linear('lhs', res, constrain=cons)
# solve > solving 100 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 2e-15±2e-15
Finally, we plot the solution. We create a nutils.sample.Sample
object from
and evaluate the geometry and the solution:
bezier = topo.sample('bezier', 9)
x, u = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'u'] @ ns, lhs=lhs)
We use plt.tripcolor
to plot the sampled x
and u
plt.tripcolor(x[:,0], x[:,1], bezier.tri, u, shading='gouraud', rasterized=True)
This two-dimensional example is also available as the script examples/laplace.py
Release History
Nutils is developed on Github and released at cadence of roughly one year, with the actual time of release depending on the level of maturity of newly introduced features. Major releases introduce new features and may deprecate features that have been superceded. Minor releases contain only bugfixes and are always safe to upgrade to.
Every major release follows the following procedure:
- The development branch is branched off to release/x, where x is the major version number
- The release is assigned a code name, in alphabetical order, derived from a type of noodles dish
- The release commit is tagged as vx.0, with minor updates following as vx.1, vx.2 etc
- The package is uploaded to PyPi for easy installation using pip
- The changelog in the development branch is emptied and added to this release history
Development version
Since Nutils is under active development and releases are fairly infrequent, users may choose to work with the development version directly, taking for granted that their code may require continuous updating as features develop — keep an eye on the changelog in the project root! The development version is continuously updated here:
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- API Reference
Nutils 8 Idiyappam
Nutils 8 was released on July 28th, 2023 and saw eight point releases for fixes and backports. The most recent and final version in this series is Nutils 8.8, released on July 9th, 2024.
- Download (zip)
- API Reference
What's New?
These are the main additions and changes since Nutils 7 Hiyamugi.
New: SI module for physical units
The SI module provides a framework for checking the dimensional consistency of a formulation at runtime, as well as tools to convert between different units for post processing. Extensive documentation can be found in the SI module. The framework can be seen in action in the cahnhilliard example, with more examples to be converted in future.
New: support for einsum and other Numpy operations
Support for Numpy operations on Nutils arrays has been extended to include:
(array support limited tox
(array support limited tov
New: test fields and residual functionals
The nutils.solver
methods have been generalized to accept scalar valued
functionals, from which residual vectors are derived through differentiation.
To this end, a trial/test function pair can be specified as a solve target
separated by a colon, as in the following example:
ns.add_field(('u', 'v'), topo.basis('std', degree=1))
res = topo.integral('∇_i(u) ∇_i(v) dV' @ ns, degree=2)
args = solver.newton('u:v', res).solve(1e-10)
Multiple fields can either comma-joined or provided as a tuple. Note that the colon automatically triggers a new-style dictionary return value, even in absence of a trialing comma as in the above example.
New: Namespace.add_field
The namespace from the nutils.expression_v2
module newly provides the
method, as a convenient shorthand
for creating fields with the same name as their arguments. That is:
ns.add_field(('u', 'v'), topo.basis('std', degree=1), shape=(2,))
is equivalent to
basis = topo.basis('std', degree=1)
ns.u = function.dotarg('u', basis, shape=(2,))
ns.v = function.dotarg('v', basis, shape=(2,))
New: shorthand notation for multiple solver targets
Multiple solver targets can now be specified as a comma-separated string, as a shorthand for the string tuple that will remain a valid argument. This means the following two invocations are equivalent:
args = solver.newton(('u', 'p'), (ures, pres)).solve(1e-10)
args = solver.newton('u,p', (ures, pres)).solve(1e-10)
To distinguish single-length tuples from the single argument legacy notation, the former requires a trailing comma. I.e., the following are NOT equivalent:
args = solver.newton('u,', (ures,)).solve(1e-10)
u = solver.newton('u', ures).solve(1e-10)
New: nearest-neighbour interpolation in sample.asfunction, sample.basis
The sample methods asfunction
and basis
have a new interpolation argument
that take the string values "none" (default) or "nearest". The latter activates
a new mode that allows evaluation of sampled data on other samples than the
original by selecting the point that is closest to the target.
New: function.linearize
Similar to derivative
, the new function linearize
takes the derivative of
an array to one or more arguments, but with the derivative directions
represented by arguments rather than array axes. This is particularly useful in
situations where weak forms are made up of symmetric, energy like components,
combined with terms that require dedicated test fields.
New: option to disable Newton's line search
The linesearch
argument of solver.newton
can now receive the None
to indicate that line search is to be disabled. Additionally, the legacy
arguments searchrange
and rebound
have been deprecated, and should be
replaced by linesearch=solver.NormBased(minscale=searchrange[0], acceptscale=searchrange[1], maxscale=rebound)
New: iteration count via info.niter
The info struct returned by solve_withinfo
newly contains the amount of
iterations as the niter
res, info = solver.newton('u:v', res).solve_withinfo(1e-10, maxiter=10)
assert info.niter <= 10
Improved: more efficient trimming
The trim routine (which is used for the Finite Cell Method) is rewritten for speed and to produce more efficient quadrature schemes. The changes relate to the subdivision at the deepest refinement level. While this step used to introduce auxiliary vertices at every dimension (lines, faces, volumes), the new implementation limits the introduction of vertices to the line segments only, resulting in a subdivision that consists of fewer simplices and consequently fewer quadrature points.
Changed: solve, solve_withinfo arguments
Solver methods newton, minimize and pseudotime have their function signature slightly changed:
- The tol argument (used to define the stop criterion) has been made mandatory. As the default value used to be 0 - an unreacheable value in practice - the argument was effectively mandatory already, which this change formalizes.
- The maxiter argument was off by 1, leading maxiter=n to accept n+1 iterations. This mistake is now fixed, which may break applications that relied on the former erroneous behaviour.
Fixed: locate points on trimmed topologies with the skip_missing flag set
The locate
method has a skip_missing
argument that instructs the method to
silently drop points that can not be located on the topology. This setting was
partially ignored by trimmed topologies which could lead to a LocateError
despite the flag being set. This issue is now fixed.
Removed: Nutils configuration file
Support for the Nutils configuration file (which used to be located in either ~/.nutilsrc or ~/.config/nutils/config) has been removed. Instead, the following environment variables can be set to override the default Nutils settings:
- NUTILS_PDB = yes|no
- NUTILS_OUTROOTDIR = path/to/html/logs
- NUTILS_OUTROOTURI = uri/to/html/logs
- NUTILS_OUTDIR = path/to/this/html/log
- NUTILS_OUTURI = uti/to/this/html/log
- NUTILS_VERBOSE = 1|2|3|4
- NUTILS_MATRIX = numpy|scipy|mkl|auto
- NUTILS_NPROCS = 1|2|...
- NUTILS_CACHE = yes|no
- NUTILS_CACHEDIR = path/to/cache
Deprecated: function methods that have Numpy equivalents
The nutils.function
methods that have direct equivalents in the numpy
module (function.sum
, function.sqrt
, function.sin
, etc) have been
deprecated in favour of using Numpy's methods (numpy.sum
, numpy.sqrt
, etc) and will be removed in the next release. Ultimately, only
methods that relate to the variable nature of function arrays and therefore
have no Numpy equivalent, such as function.grad
and function.normal
, will
remain in the function module.
Be aware that some functions were not 100% equivalent to their Numpy
counterpart. For instance, function.max
is the equivalent to numpy.maximum
as the deprecation message helpfully points out. More problematically,
behaves very differently from both numpy.dot
. Porting the code over to equivalent instructions will therefore
require some attention.
Deprecated: Array.dot for ndim != 1
The nutils.function.Array.dot
method is incompatible with Numpy's equivalent
method for arrays of ndim != 1, or when axes are specified (which Numpy does
not allow). Aiming for 100% compatibility, the next release cycle will remove
the axis argument and temporarily forbid arguments of ndim != 1. The release
cycle thereafter will re-enable arguments with ndim != 1, with logic equal to
Numpy's method. In the meantime, the advice is to rely on numpy.dot
or the @
operator instead.
Deprecated: Array.sum for ndim > 1 without axis argument
The nutils.function.Array.sum
method by default operates on the last axis.
This is different from Numpy's behavour, which by default sums all axes. Aiming
for 100% compatibility, the next release cycle will make the axis argument
mandatory for any array of ndim > 1. The release cycle thereafter will
reintroduce the default value to match Numpy's. To prepare for this, relying on
the current default now triggers a deprecation warning.
Nutils 7 Hiyamugi
Nutils 7 was released on January 1st, 2022 and saw three point releases for fixes and backports. The most recent and final version in this series is Nutils 7.3, released on June 20th, 2023.
- Download (zip)
- API Reference
What's New?
These are the main additions and changes since Nutils 6 Garak-Guksu.
Expression and Namespace Version 2
The nutils.expression
module has been renamed to nutils.expression_v1
, the
class to nutils.expression_v1.Namespace
and the
module has been added, featuring a new
. The version 2 of the namespace v2 has an
expression language that differs slightly from version 1, most notably in the
way derivatives are written. The old namespace remains available for the time
being. All examples are updated to the new namespace. You are encouraged to use
the new namespace for newly written code.
Changed: bifurcate has been replaced by spaces
In the past using functions on products of nutils.topology.Topology
required using function.bifurcate
. This has been replaced by the concept of
'spaces'. Every topology is defined in a space, identified by a name (str
Functions defined on some topology are considered constant on other topologies
(defined on other spaces).
If you want to multiply two topologies, you have to make sure that the
topologies have different spaces, e.g. via the space
parameter of
. Example:
from nutils import mesh, function
Xtopo, x = mesh.rectilinear([4], space='X')
Ytopo, y = mesh.rectilinear([2], space='Y')
topo = Xtopo * Ytopo
geom = function.concatenate([x, y])
Changed: function.Array shape must be constant
Resulting from to the function/evaluable split introduced in #574, variable
length axes such as relating to integration points or sparsity can stay
confined to the evaluable layer. In order to benefit from this situation and
improve compatibility with Numpy's arrays, nutils.function.Array
objects are
henceforth limited to constant shapes. Additionally:
- The sparsity construct
has been removed; - The
function requires all element arrays to be of the same shape, and its remaining use has been deprecated in favor ofnutils.function.get
; - Aligning with Numpy's API,
no longer automatically broadcasts its arguments, but instead demands that all dimensions except for the concatenation axis match exactly.
Changed: locate arguments
The nutils.topology.Topology.locate
method now allows tol
to be left
unspecified if eps
is specified instead, which is repurposed as stop
criterion for distances in element coordinates. Conversely, if only tol
specified, a corresponding minimal eps
value is set automatically to match
points near element edges. The ischeme
and scale
arguments are deprecated
and replaced by maxdist
, which can be left unspecified in general. The
optional weights
argument results in a sample that is suitable for
Moved: unit from types to separate module
The unit
type has been moved into its own nutils.unit
module, with the old
location types.unit
now holding a forward method. The forward emits a
deprecation warning prompting to change nutils.types.unit.create
(or its
shorthand nutils.types.unit
) to nutils.unit.create
Removed: loading libraries from .local
Libraries that are installed in odd locations will no longer be automatically
located by Nutils (see b8b7a6d5 for reasons). Instead the user will need to set
the appropriate environment variable, prior to starting Python. In Windows this
is the PATH
variable, in Linux and OS X LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Crucially, this affects the MKL libraries when they are user-installed via pip.
By default Nutils selects the best available matrix backend that it finds
available, which could result in it silently falling back on Scipy or Numpy. To
confirm that the path variable is set correctly run your application with
to force an error if MKL cannot be loaded.
Function module split into function
and evaluable
The function module has been split into a high-level, numpy-like function
module and a lower-level evaluable
module. The evaluable
module is agnostic
to the so-called points axis. Scripts that don't use custom implementations of
should work without modification.
Custom implementations of the old function.Array
should now derive from
. Furthermore, an accompanying implementation of
should be added with a prepare_eval
method that returns the
The following example implementation of an addition
class Add(function.Array):
def __init__(self, a, b):
super().__init__(args=[a, b], shape=a.shape, dtype=a.dtype)
def evalf(self, a, b):
return a+b
should be converted to
class Add(function.Array):
def __init__(self, a: function.Array, b: function.Array) -> None:
self.a = a
self.b = b
super().__init__(shape=a.shape, dtype=a.dtype)
def prepare_eval(self, **kwargs) -> evaluable.Array:
a = self.a.prepare_eval(**kwargs)
b = self.b.prepare_eval(**kwargs)
return Add_evaluable(a, b)
class Add_evaluable(evaluable.Array):
def __init__(self, a, b):
super().__init__(args=[a, b], shape=a.shape, dtype=a.dtype)
def evalf(self, a, b):
return a+b
Solve multiple residuals to multiple targets
In problems involving multiple fields, where formerly it was required to
the bases in order to construct and solve a block
system, an alternative possibility is now to keep the residuals and targets
separate and reference the several parts at the solving phase:
# old, still valid approach
ns.ubasis, ns.pbasis = function.chain([ubasis, pbasis])
ns.u_i = 'ubasis_ni ?dofs_n'
ns.p = 'pbasis_n ?dofs_n'
# new, alternative approach
ns.ubasis = ubasis
ns.pbasis = pbasis
ns.u_i = 'ubasis_ni ?u_n'
ns.p = 'pbasis_n ?p_n'
# common: problem definition
ns.σ_ij = '(u_i,j + u_j,i) / Re - p δ_ij'
ures = topo.integral('ubasis_ni,j σ_ij d:x d:x' @ ns, degree=4)
pres = topo.integral('pbasis_n u_,kk d:x' @ ns, degree=4)
# old approach: solving a single residual to a single target
dofs = solver.newton('dofs', ures + pres).solve(1e-10)
# new approach: solving multiple residuals to multiple targets
state = solver.newton(['u', 'p'], [ures, pres]).solve(1e-10)
In the new, multi-target approach, the return value is no longer an array but a dictionary that maps a target to its solution. If additional arguments were specified to newton (or any of the other solvers) then these are copied into the return dictionary so as to form a complete state, which can directly be used as an arguments to subsequent evaluations.
If an argument is specified for a solve target then its value is used as an
initial guess (newton, minimize) or initial condition (thetamethod). This
replaces the lhs0
argument which is not supported for multiple targets.
New thetamethod argument deprecates target0
To explicitly refer to the history state in nutils.solver.thetamethod
and its
derivatives impliciteuler
and cranknicolson
, instead of specifiying the
target through the target0
parameter, the new argument historysuffix
specifies only the suffix to be added to the main target. Hence, the following
three invocations are equivalent:
# deprecated
solver.impliciteuler('target', residual, inertia, target0='target0')
# new syntax
solver.impliciteuler('target', residual, inertia, historysuffix='0')
# equal, since '0' is the default suffix
solver.impliciteuler('target', residual, inertia)
In-place modification of newton, minimize, pseudotime iterates
When nutils.solver.newton
, nutils.solver.minimize
are used as iterators, the generated vectors are now
modified in place. Therefore, if iterates are stored for analysis, be sure to
use the .copy
Deprecated function.elemwise
The function function.elemwise
has been deprecated. Use function.Elemwise
function.elemwise(topo.transforms, values) # deprecated
function.Elemwise(values, topo.f_index) # new
Removed transforms attribute of bases
The transforms
attribute of bases has been removed due to internal
restructurings. The transforms
attribute of the topology on which the
basis was created can be used as a replacement:
reftopo = topo.refined
refbasis = reftopo.basis(...)
supp = refbasis.get_support(...)
#topo = topo.refined_by(refbasis.transforms[supp]) # no longer valid
topo = topo.refined_by(reftopo.transforms[supp]) # still valid
Nutils 6 Garak-Guksu
Nutils 6 was released on April 29th, 2020 and saw three point releases for fixes and backports. The most recent and final version in this series is Nutils 6.3, released on November 18th, 2021.
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What's New?
These are the main additions and changes since Nutils 5 Farfalle.
Sparse module
The new nutils.sparse
module introduces a data type and a suite of
manipulation methods for arbitrary dimensional sparse data. The existing
integrate and integral methods now create data of this type under the hood, and
then convert it to a scalar, Numpy array or nutils.matrix.Matrix
upon return.
To prevent this conversion and receive the sparse objects instead use the new
External dependency for parsing gmsh files
The nutils.mesh.gmsh
method now depends on the external
meshio module to parse .msh files:
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade meshio
Change dof order in basis.vector
When creating a vector basis using topo.basis(..).vector(nd)
, the order of
the degrees of freedom changed from grouping by vector components to grouping
by scalar basis functions:
[b0, 0] [b0, 0]
[b1, 0] [ 0, b0]
[.., ..] old [b1, 0]
[bn, 0] ------> [ 0, b1]
[ 0, b0] new [.., ..]
[.., ..] [bn, 0]
[ 0, bn] [ 0, bn]
This should not affect applications unless the solution vector is manipulated
directly, such as might happen in unit tests. If required for legacy purposes
the old vector can be retrieved using old = new.reshape(-1,nd).T.ravel()
Note that the change does not extend to nutils.function.vectorize
Change from stickybar to bottombar
For nutils.cli.run
to draw a status bar, it now requires the external
bottombar module to be installed:
python3 -m pip install --user bottombar
This replaces stickybar, which is no longer used. In addition to the log uri
and runtime the status bar will now show the current memory usage, if that
information is available. On Windows this requires psutil
to be installed; on
Linux and OSX it should work by default.
Support for gmsh 'msh4' file format
The nutils.mesh.gmsh
method now supports input in the 'msh4' file format, in
addition to the 'msh2' format which remains supported for backward
compatibility. Internally, nutils.mesh.parsegmsh
now takes file contents
instead of a file name.
New command line option: gracefulexit
The new boolean command line option gracefulexit
determines what happens when
an exception reaches nutils.cli.run
. If true (default) then the exception is
handled as before and a system exit is initiated with an exit code of 2. If
false then the exception is reraised as-is. This is useful in particular when
combined with an external debugging tool.
Log tracebacks at debug level
The way exceptions are handled by nutils.cli.run
is changed from logging the
entire exception and traceback as a single error message, to logging the
exceptions as errors and tracebacks as debug messages. Additionally, the order
of exceptions and traceback is fully reversed, such that the most relevant
message is the first thing shown and context follows.
Solve leniently to relative tolerance in Newton systems
The nutils.solver.newton
method now sets the relative tolerance of the linear
system to 1e-3
unless otherwise specified via linrtol
. This is mainly
useful for iterative solvers which can save computational effort by having
their stopping criterion follow the current Newton residual, but it may also
help with direct solvers to warn of ill conditioning issues. Iterations
furthermore use nutils.matrix.Matrix.solve_leniently
, thus proceeding after
warning that tolerances have not been met in the hope that Newton convergence
might be attained regardless.
Linear solver arguments
The methods nutils.solver.newton
, nutils.solver.minimize
, nutils.solver.solve_linear
now receive linear solver arguments as keyword
arguments rather than via the solveargs
dictionary, which is deprecated. To
avoid name clashes with the remaining arguments, argument names must be
prefixed by lin
solver.solve_linear('lhs', res,
solveargs=dict(solver='gmres')) # deprecated syntax
solver.solve_linear('lhs', res,
linsolver='gmres') # new syntax
Iterative refinement
Direct solvers enter an iterative refinement loop in case the first pass did not meet the configured tolerance. In machine precision mode (atol=0, rtol=0) this refinement continues until the residual stagnates.
Matrix solver tolerances
The absolute and/or relative tolerance for solutions of a linear system can now
be specified in nutils.matrix.Matrix.solve
via the atol
resp. rtol
arguments, regardless of backend and solver. If the backend returns a solution
that violates both tolerances then an exception is raised of type
, from which the solution can still be
obtained via the .best
attribute. Alternatively the new method
always returns a solution while logging
a warning if tolerances are not met. In case both tolerances are left at their
default value or zero then solvers are instructed to produce a solution to
machine precision, with subsequent checks disabled.
Use stringly for command line parsing
Nutils now depends on stringly (version 1.0b1) for parsing of command line
arguments. The new implementation of nutils.cli.run
is fully backwards
compatible, but the preferred method of annotating function arguments is now as
demonstrated in all of the examples.
For new Nutils installations Stringly will be installed automatically as a dependency. For existing setups it can be installed manually as follows:
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade stringly
Fixed and fallback lengths in (namespace) expressions
The nutils.function.Namespace
has two new arguments: length_<indices>
. The former can be used to assign fixed lengths to specific
indices in expressions, say index i
should have length 2, which is used for
verification and resolving undefined lengths. The latter is used to resolve
remaining undefined lengths:
ns = nutils.function.Namespace(length_i=2, fallback_length=3)
ns.eval_ij('δ_ij') # using length_i
# Array<2,2>
ns.eval_jk('δ_jk') # using fallback_length
# Array<3,3>
Treelog update
Nutils now depends on treelog version 1.0b5, which brings improved iterators
along with other enhancements. For transitional convenience the backwards
incompatible changes have been backported in the nutils.log
wrapper, which
now emits a warning in case the deprecated methods are used. This wrapper is
scheduled for deletion prior to the release of version 6.0. To update treelog
to the most recent version use:
python -m pip install -U treelog
Unit type
The new nutils.types.unit
allows for the creation of a unit system for easy
specification of physical quantities. Used in conjunction with nutils.cli.run
this facilitates specifying units from the command line, as well as providing a
warning mechanism against incompatible units:
U = types.unit.create(m=1, s=1, g=1e-3, N='kg*m/s2', Pa='N/m2')
def main(length=U('2m'), F=U('5kN')):
topo, geom = mesh.rectilinear([numpy.linspace(0,length,10)])
python myscript.py length=25cm # OK
python myscript.py F=10Pa # error!
Sample basis
Samples now provide a nutils.sample.Sample.basis
: an array that for any point
in the sample evaluates to the unit vector corresponding to its index. This new
underpinning of nutils.sample.Sample.asfunction
opens the way for sampled
arguments, as demonstrated in the last example below:
H1 = mysample.asfunction(mydata) # mysample.eval(H1) == mydata
H2 = mysample.basis().dot(mydata) # mysample.eval(H2) == mydata
ns.Hbasis = mysample.basis()
H3 = 'Hbasis_n ?d_n' @ ns # mysample.eval(H3, d=mydata) == mydata
Higher order gmsh geometries
Gmsh element support has been extended to include cubic and quartic meshes in 2D and quadratic meshes in 3D, and parsing the msh file is now a cacheable operation. Additionally, tetrahedra now define bezier points at any order.
Repository location
The Nutils repository has moved to https://github.com/evalf/nutils.git. For the time being the old address is maintained by Github as an alias, but in the long term you are advised to update your remote as follows:
git remote set-url origin https://github.com/evalf/nutils.git
Nutils 5 Farfalle
Nutils 5 was released on April 3rd, 2020 and saw two point releases for fixes and backports. The most recent and final version in this series is Nutils 5.2, released on June 11th, 2019.
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What's New?
These are the main additions and changes since Nutils 4 Eliche.
Matrix matmul operator, solve with multiple right hand sides
The Matrix.matvec
method has been deprecated in favour of the new
(@) operator, which supports multiplication arrays of any
dimension. The nutils.matrix.Matrix.solve
method has been extended to support
multiple right hand sides:
matrix.matvec(lhs) # deprecated
matrix @ lhs # new syntax
matrix @ numpy.stack([lhs1, lhs2, lhs3], axis=1)
matrix.solve(numpy.stack([rhs1, rhs2, rhs3], axis=1)
MKL's fgmres method
Matrices produced by the MKL
backend now support the
argument solver='fmgres' to use Intel MKL's fgmres
Thetamethod time target
The nutils.solver.thetamethod
class, as well as its special cases
and cranknicolson
, now have a timetarget
argument to
specify that the formulation contains a time variable:
res = topo.integral('...?t... d:x' @ ns, degree=2)
solver.impliciteuler('dofs', res, ..., timetarget='t')
New leveltopo argument for trimming
In nutils.topology.Topology.trim
, in case the levelset cannot be evaluated on
the to-be-trimmed topology itself, the correct topology can now be specified
via the new leveltopo
New unittest assertion assertAlmostEqual64
now facilitates comparison against base64 encoded,
compressed, and packed data via the new method
. This replaces
which is now deprecated and scheduled for removal
in Nutils 6.
Fast locate for structured topology, geometry
A special case nutils.topology.Topology.locate
method for structured
topologies checks of the geometry is an affine transformation of the natural
configuration, in which case the trivial inversion is used instead of expensive
Newton iterations:
topo, geom = mesh.rectilinear([2, 3])
smp = topo.locate(geom/2-1, [[-.1,.2]])
# locate detected linear geometry: x = [-1. -1.] + [0.5 0.5] xi ~+2.2e-16
Lazy references, transforms, bases
The introduction of sequence abstractions nutils.elementseq
, together with and a lazy implementation of
basis functions, help to prevent the unnecessary
generation of data. In hierarchically refined topologies, in particular, this
results in large speedups and a much reduced memory footprint.
Switch to treelog
The nutils.log
module is deprecated and will be replaced by the externally
maintained treelog <https://github.com/evalf/treelog>
_, which is now an
installation dependency.
Replace pariter, parmap by fork, range.
The nutils.parallel
module is largely rewritten. The old methods pariter
and parmap
are replaced by the nutils.parallel.fork
context, combined with
the shared nutils.parallel.range
indices = parallel.range(10)
with parallel.fork(nprocs=2) as procid:
for index in indices:
print('procid={}, index={}'.format(procid, index))
Nutils 4 Eliche
Nutils 4 was released on June 11th, 2019 and saw one point release for fixes and backports. The most recent and final version in this series is Nutils 4.1 was released on August 28th, 2018.
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What's New?
These are the main additions and changes since Nutils 3 Dragon Beard.
Spline basis continuity argument
In addition to the knotmultiplicities
argument to define the
continuity of basis function on structured topologies, the
method now supports the
argument to define the global continuity of basis
functions. With negative numbers counting backwards from the
, the default value of -1
corresponds to a knot
multiplicity of 1.
Eval arguments
Functions of type nutils.function.Evaluable
can receive
arguments in addition to element and points by depending on instances
of nutils.function.Argument
and having their values specified
via nutils.sample.Sample.eval
f = geom.dot(function.Argument('myarg', shape=geom.shape))
f = 'x_i ?myarg_i' @ ns # equivalent operation in namespace
topo.sample('uniform', 1).eval(f, myarg=numpy.ones(geom.shape))
The d:-operator
Namespace expression syntax now includes the d:
Jacobian operator,
allowing one to write 'd:x' @ ns
instead of function.J(ns.x)
Since including the Jacobian in the integrand is preferred over
specifying it separately, the geometry
argument of
is deprecated:
topo.integrate(ns.f, geometry=ns.x) # deprecated
topo.integrate(ns.f * function.J(ns.x)) # was and remains valid
topo.integrate('f d:x' @ ns) # new namespace syntax
Truncated hierarchical bsplines
Hierarchically refined topologies now support basis truncation, which reduces the supports of individual basis functions while maintaining the spanned space. To select between truncated and non-truncated the basis type must be prefixed with 'th-' or 'h-', respectively. A non-prefixed basis type falls back on the default implementation that fails on all types but discont:
htopo.basis('spline', degree=2) # no longer valid
htopo.basis('h-spline', degree=2) # new syntax for original basis
htopo.basis('th-spline', degree=2) # new syntax for truncated basis
htopo.basis('discont', degree=2) # still valid
Transparent function cache
The nutils.cache
module provides a memoizing function decorator
which reads return values from cache in
case a set of function arguments has been seen before. It is similar
in function to Python's functools.lru_cache
, except that the cache
is maintained on disk and nutils.types.nutils_hash
is used to
compare arguments, which means that arguments need not be Python
hashable. The mechanism is activated via nutils.cache.enable
def f(x):
return x * 2
with cache.enable():
If nutils.cli.run
is used then the cache can also be enabled
via the new --cache
command line argument. With many internal
Nutils functions already decorated, including all methods in the
module, transparent caching is available out of
the box with no further action required.
New module: types
The new nutils.types
module unifies and extends components
relating to object types. The following preexisting objects have been
moved to the new location:
MKL matrix, Pardiso solver
The new MKL
backend generates matrices that are powered by Intel's Math
Kernel Library, which notably includes the reputable Pardiso solver. This
requires libmkl
to be installed, which is conveniently available through
pip install mkl
When nutils.cli.run
is used the new matrix type is selected
automatically if it is available, or manually using --matrix=MKL
Nonlinear minimization
For problems that adhere to an energy structure, the new solver method
provides an alternative mechanism that
exploits this structure to robustly find the energy minimum:
res = sqr.derivative('dofs')
solver.newton('dofs', res, ...)
solver.minimize('dofs', sqr, ...) # equivalent
Data packing
Two new methods, nutils.numeric.pack
and its inverse
, provide lossy compression to floating
point data. Primarily useful for regression tests, the convenience
method numeric.assert_allclose64
combines data packing with zlib
compression and base64 encoding for inclusion in Python codes.
Nutils 3 Dragon Beard
Nutils 3 was released on August 22nd, 2018 and saw one point release for fixes and backports. The most recent and final version in this series is Nutils 3.1, released on February 5th, 2018.
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- API Reference
What's New?
These are the main additions and changes since Nutils 2 Chuka Men.
New: function.Namespace
The nutils.function.Namespace
object represents a container of
ns = function.Namespace()
ns.x = geom
ns.basis = domain.basis('std', degree=1).vector(2)
In addition to bundling arrays, arrays can be manipulated using index notation
via string expressions using the nutils.expression
ns.sol_i = 'basis_ni ?dofs_n'
f = ns.eval_i('sol_i,j n_j')
New: Topology.integral
Analogous to nutils.topology.Topology.integrate
, which integrates a function
and returns the result as a (sparse) array, the new method
with identical arguments results in an
object for postponed evaluation:
x = domain.integrate(f, geometry=geom, degree=2) # direct
integ = domain.integral(f, geometry=geom, degree=2) # indirect
x = integ.eval()
Integral objects support linear transformations, derivatives and substitutions.
Their main use is in combination with routines from the nutils.solver
Removed: TransformChain, CanonicalTransformChain
Transformation chains (sequences of transform items) are stored as standard tuples. Former class methods are replaced by module methods:
elem.transform.promote(ndims) # no longer valid
transform.promote(elem.transform, ndims) # new syntax
In addition, every edge_transform
and child_transform
of Reference objects
is changed from (typically unit-length) TransformChain
Changed: command line interface
Command line parsers nutils.cli.run
or nutils.cli.choose
dropped support
for space separated arguments (--arg value), requiring argument and value to be
joined by an equals sign instead:
python script.py --arg=value
Boolean arguments are specified by omitting the value and prepending 'no' to the argument name for negation:
python script.py --pdb --norichoutput
For convenience, leading dashes have been made optional:
python script.py arg=value pdb norichoutput
New: Topology intersections (deprecates common_refinement)
Intersections between topologies can be made using the &
operator. In case
the operands have different refinement patterns, the resulting topology will
consist of the common refinements of the intersection:
intersection = topoA & topoB
interface = topo['fluid'].boundary & ~topo['solid'].boundary
Changed: Topology.indicator
The nutils.topology.Topology.indicator
method is moved from subtopology to
parent topology, i.e. the topology you want to evaluate the indicator on, and
now takes the subtopology is an argument:
ind = domain.boundary['top'].indicator() # no longer valid ind = domain.boundary.indicator(domain.boundary['top']) # new syntax ind = domain.boundary.indicator('top') # equivalent shorthand
Changed: Evaluable.eval
The nutils.function.Evaluable.eval
method accepts a flexible number of
keyword arguments, which are accessible to evalf
by depending on the
token. Standard keywords are _transforms
for transformation
chains, _points
for integration points, and _cache
for the cache object:
f.eval(elem, 'gauss2') # no longer valid
ip, iw = elem.getischeme('gauss2')
tr = elem.transform, elem.opposite
f.eval(_transforms=tr, _points=ip) # new syntax
New: numeric.const
The numeric.const
array represents an immutable, hashable array:
A = numeric.const([[1,2],[3,4]])
d = {A: 1}
Existing arrays can be wrapped into a const
object by adding copy=False
The writeable
flag of the original array is set to False to prevent
subsequent modification:
A = numpy.array([1,2,3])
Aconst = numeric.const(A, copy=False)
A[1] = 4
# ValueError: assignment destination is read-only
New: function annotations
The util.enforcetypes
decorator applies conversion methods to annotated
def f(a:float, b:tuple)
print(type(a), type(b))
f(1, [2])
# <class 'float'> <class 'tuple'>
The decorator is by default active to constructors of cache.Immutable derived objects, such as function.Evaluable.
Changed: Evaluable._edit
Evaluable objects have a default edit implementation that re-instantiates the
object with the operand applied to all constructor arguments. In situations
where the default implementation is not sufficient it can be overridden by
implementing the edit
method (note: without the underscore):
class B(function.Evaluable):
def __init__(self, d):
assert isinstance(d, dict)
self.d = d
def edit(self, op):
return B({key: op(value) for key, value in self.d.items()})
Changed: function derivatives
The nutils.function.derivative
argument has been removed;
derivative(func, var)
now takes the derivative of func
to all the axes in
der = function.derivative(func, var,
axes=numpy.arange(var.ndim)) # no longer valid
der = function.derivative(func, var) # new syntax
New module: cli
The nutils.util.run
function is deprecated and replaced by two new functions,
and nutils.cli.run
. The new functions are very similar to
the original, but have a few notable differences:
requires the name of the function to be executed (typically 'main'), followed by any optional argumentscli.run
does not require the name of the function to be executed, but only a single one can be specified- argument conversions follow the type of the argument's default value, instead
of the result of
- the
option for post-mortem debugging is replaced by--pdb
, replacing Nutils' own traceback explorer by Python's builtin debugger - on-line debugging is provided via the ctrl+c signal handler
- function annotations can be used to describe arguments in both help messages and logging output (see examples)
New module: solver
The nutils.solver
module provides infrastructure to facilitate formulating
and solving complicated nonlinear problems in a structured and largely
automated fashion.
New: topology.with
Topologies have been made fully immutable, which means that the old setitem
operation is no longer supported. Instead, to add a subtopology to the domain,
its boundary, its interfaces, or points, any of the methods withsubdomain
, withinterfaces
, and withpoints
, respectively, will return a
copy of the topology with the desired groups added:
topo.boundary['wall'] = topo.boundary['left,top'] # no longer valid
newtopo = topo.withboundary(wall=topo.boundary['left,top']) # new syntax
newtopo = topo.withboundary(wall='left,top') # equivalent shorthand
New: circular symmetry
Any topology can be revolved using the new nutils.topology.Topology.revolved
method, which interprets the first geometry dimension as a radius and replaces
it by two new dimensions, shifting the remaining axes backward. In addition to
the modified topology and geometry, simplifying function is returned as the
third return value which replaces all occurrences of the revolution angle by
zero. This should only be used after all gradients have been computed:
rdomain, rgeom, simplify = domain.revolved(geom)
basis = rdomain.basis('spline', degree=2)
M = function.outer(basis.grad(rgeom)).sum(-1)
rdomain.integrate(M, geometry=rgeom, ischeme='gauss2', edit=simplify)
Renamed mesh.gmesh to mesh.gmsh; added support for periodicity
The gmsh importer was unintentionally misnamed as gmesh; this has been fixed. With that the old name is deprecated and will be removed in future. In addition, support for the non-physical mesh format and externally supplied boundary labels has been removed (see the unit test tests/mesh.py for examples of valid .geo format). Support is added for periodicity and interface groups.
Nutils 2 Chuka Men
Nutils 2 was released on February 18th, 2016 and saw no point releases.
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What's New?
These are the main additions and changes since Nutils 1 Bakmi.
Changed: jump sign
The jump operator has been changed according to the following definition:
jump(f) = opposite(f) - f
. In words, it represents the value of the argument
from the side that the normal is pointing toward, minus the value from the side
that the normal is pointing away from. Compared to the old definition this
means the sign is flipped.
Changed: Topology objects
The Topology base class no longer takes a list of elements in its constructor.
Instead, the __iter__
method should be implemented by the derived class, as
well as __len__
for the number of elements, and getelem(index) to access
individual elements. The 'elements' attribute is deprecated.
The nutils.topology.StructuredTopology
object no longer accepts an array with
elements. Instead, an 'axes' argument is provided with information that allows
it to generate elements in the fly. The 'structure' attribute is deprecated. A
newly added shape
tuple is now a documented attribute.
Changed: properties dumpdir, outdir, outrootdir
Two global properties have been renamed as follows:
- dumpdir → outdir
- outdir → outrootdir
The outrootdir
defaults to ~/public_html and can be redefined from the
command line or in the .nutilsrc configuration file. The outdir defaults to the
current directory and is redefined by util.run
, nesting the name/date/time
subdirectory sequence under outrootdir
Changed: sum axis argument
The behaviour of nutils.function.sum
is inconsistent with that of the Numpy
counterparts. In case no axes argument is specified, Numpy sums over all axes,
whereas Nutils sums over the last axis. To undo this mistake and transition to
Numpy's behaviour, calling sum without an axes argument is deprecated and will
be forbidden in Nutils 3.0. In Nutils 4.0 it will be reintroduced with the
corrected meaning.
Changed: strict dimension equality in function.outer
The nutils.function.outer
method allows arguments of different dimension by
left-padding the smallest prior to multiplication. There is no clear reason for
this generality and it hinders error checking. Therefore in future in
function.outer(a, b)
, a.ndim
must equal b.ndim
. In a brief transition
period non-equality emits a warning.
Changed: Evaluable base class
Relevant only for custom nutils.function.Evaluable
objects, the evalf
method changes from constructor argument to instance/class method:
class MyEval( function.Evaluable):
def __init__(self, ...):
function.Evaluable(args=[...], shape=...)
def evalf( self, ...):
Moreover, the args
argument may only contain Evaluable objects. Static
information is to be passed through self
Removed: _numeric C-extension
At this point Nutils is pure Python. It is no longer necessary to run make to compile extension modules. The numeric.py module remains unchanged.
Periodic boundary groups
Touching elements of periodic domains are no longer part of the boundary
topology. It is still available as boundary of an appropriate non-periodic
domain.boundary['left'] # no longer valid
domain[:,:1].boundary['left'] # still valid
New module: transform
The new nutils.transform
module provides objects and operations relating to
affine coordinate transformations.
Traceback explorer disabled by default
The new command line switch --tbexplore
activates the traceback explorer on
program failure. To change the default behavior add tbexplore=True
to your
.nutilsrc file.
Rich output
The new command line switch --richoutput
activates color and unicode output.
To change the default behavior add richoutput=True
to your .nutilsrc file.
Nutils 1 Bakmi
Nutils 1 was released on August 4th, 2014 and saw no point releases.
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Nutils 0 Anelli
Nutils 0 was released on October 28th, 2013 and saw no point releases.
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The fastest way to build a new Nutils simulation is to borrow bits and pieces from existing scripts. Aiming to facilitate this practice, examples.nutils.org provides a gallery of concise examples demonstrating different areas of physics and varying computational techniques.
The examples are taken from both the Nutils repository and user contributed repositories, and are tested regularly to confirm validity against different versions of Nutils.
Users are encouraged to contribute (concise versions of) their simulations to this collection of examples. In doing so, they help other users get up to speed, they help the developers by adding to a large body of realistic codes to test Nutils against, and, in doing so, they may even help themselves by preventing future Nutils version from accidentally breaking their code.
Examples should resemble the official examples from the Nutils repository. In particular, they:
- use
to call main function; - have reasonable default parameters corresponding to a simulation that is relevant but not overly expensive;
- do not make use of undocumented functions (typically prefixed with an underscore);
- use the most recent version of the namespace, if applicable;
- generate one or more images that visualize the solution of the simulation;
- use
to communicate output (info
for text,infofile
for data); - conform to the PEP 8 coding style;
- are concise enough to fit a single file.
Examples are submitted by means of a pull request to the examples repository, which should add a yaml file to the examples/user directory. The file should define the following entries:
- name — Title of the simulation.
- authors — List of author names.
- description — Markdown formatted description of the simulation.
- repository — URL of the Git repository that contains the script.
- commit — Commit hash.
- script — Path of the script.
- images — List of images that are selected as preview.
- tags — List of relevant tags.
Once merged, the script becomes part of the automated testing suite which runs it at regular intervals against the latest Nutils version. The code itself remains hosted on the external git repository. In case new features merit updates to the script, the developers may reach out with concrete suggestions to keep the examples relevant.
Nutils has been used in scientific publications since its earliest releases, such as this 2015 analysis of a trabecular bone fragment by Verhoosel et al, combining several of Nutils' strengths including the Finite Cell Method, hierarchical refinement, and isogeometric analysis. One of its images was later selected to feature as cover art for the Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics.
Nutils has since been used in a wide range of applications, pushing the boundaries of computational techniques, studying physical phenomena, and testing new models. The publication overview lists an up to date selection of Nutils powered research. If you are using Nutils in your own research, please consider citing Nutils in your publications.
Below is a selection of mostly peer reviewed articles that use Nutils for numerical experiments. In case your Nutils powered research is not listed here, please send the DOI to info@nutils.org or submit a pull request with the new entry. Articles that cite Nutils will be picked up automatically.
- Application of Backward Differential Formula and Anderson’s method for multigroup diffusion transient equation by A. Cherezov, A. Vasiliev and H. Ferroukhi, January 2025.
Low precision preconditioning for solving neutron diffusion eigenvalue problem by finite element method by A. Cherezov, A. Vasiliev and H, Ferroukhi, October 2024.
Echocardiogram-based ventricular isogeometric cardiac analysis using multi-patch fitted NURBS by R. Willems, L. Verberne, O. van der Sluis and C.V. Verhoosel, May 2024.
A light Darwin implementation of Maxwell’s equations to quantify resistive, inductive, and capacitive couplings in windings by S. Pourkeivannour, J.S.B. van Zwieten, K. Iwai and M. Curti, March 2024.
A Shape Derivative Approach to Domain Simplification by J. Hinz, O. Chanon, A. Arrigoni and A. Buffa, February 2024.
Finite element and isogeometric stabilized methods for the advection-diffusion-reaction equation by K. Key, M.R.A. Abdelmalik, S. Elgeti, T.J.R. Hughes and F.A. Baidoo, December 2023.
Scan-Based Immersed Isogeometric Flow Analysis by C.V. Verhoosel, E.H. van Brummelen, S.C. Divi and F. de Prenter, November 2023.
Current progress toward isogeometric modeling of the heart biophysics by M. Torre, S. Morganti, F.S. Pasqualini and A. Reali, November 2023.
A Comparative Study of Finite Element Method and Hybrid Finite Element Method–Spectral Element Method Approaches Applied to Medium-Frequency Transformers with Foil Windings by S. Pourkeivannour, J.S.B. van Zwieten, L.A.J. Friedrich, M. Curti and E.A. Lomonova, November 2023.
Numerical investigation of the sharp-interface limit of the Navier–Stokes–Cahn–Hilliard equations by T.H.B. Demont, S.K.F. Stoter and E.H. van Brummelen, September 2023.
An isogeometric analysis framework for ventricular cardiac mechanics by R. Willems, K.L.P.M. Janssens, P.H.M. Bovendeerd, C.V. Verhoosel and O. van der Sluis, August 2023.
Optimal Coil Design for Coreless Linear Motors Based on the Extended Stream-Function Method by B.J.A. Kuijpers, J.W. Jansen and E.A. Lomonova, July 2023.
Critical time-step size analysis and mass scaling by ghost-penalty for immersogeometric explicit dynamics by S.K.F. Stoter, S.C. Divi, E.H. van Brummelen, M.G. Larson, F. de Prenter and C.V. Verhoosel, July 2023.
Isogeometric mixed collocation of nearly-incompressible electromechanics in finite deformations for cardiac muscle simulations by M. Torre, S. Morganti, A. Nitti, M.D. de Tullio, F.S. Pasqualini and Alessandro Reali, June 2023.
Reversal of Solvent Migration in Poroelastic Folds by M.M. Flapper, A. Pandey, M.H. Essink, E.H. van Brummelen, S. Karpitschka and J.H. Snoeijer, June 2023.
Immersed isogeometric analysis based on a hybrid collocation/finite cell method by M. Torre, S. Morganti, F.S. Pasqualini, A. Düster and A. Reali, February 2023.
A thermodynamically consistent J-integral formulation for fluid-driven fracture propagation in poroelastic continua by E.A. Bergkamp, C.V. Verhoosel, J.J.C. Remmers and D.M.J. Smeulders, January 2023.
Soft wetting with (a)symmetric Shuttleworth effect by C. Henkel, M.H. Essink, T. Hoang, G.J. van Zwieten, E.H. van Brummelen and U. Thiele, August 2022.
Entropy bounds for the space–time discontinuous Galerkin finite element moment method applied to the BGK–Boltzmann equation by M.R.A. Abdelmalik, D.A.M. van der Woude and E.H.van Brummelen, August 2022.
Residual-based error estimation and adaptivity for stabilized immersed isogeometric analysis using truncated hierarchical B-splines by S.C. Divi, P.H. van Zuijlen, T. Hoang, F. de Prenter, F. Auricchio, A. Reali, E.H. van Brummelen and C.V. Verhoosel, May 2022.
Inverting elastic dislocations using the Weakly-enforced Slip Method by G.J. van Zwieten, E.H. van Brummelen and R.F. Hanssen, April 2022.
A dimensionally-reduced fracture flow model for poroelastic media with fluid entry resistance and fluid slip by E.A. Bergkamp, C.V. Verhoosel, J.J.C. Remmers and D.M.J. Smeulders, April 2022.
An efficient isogeometric collocation approach to cardiac electrophysiology by M. Torre, S. Morganti, A. Nitti, M.D. de Tullio, F.S. Pasqualini and A. Reali, April 2022.
preCICE v2: A sustainable and user-friendly coupling library by G. Chourdakis, K. Davis, B. Rodenberg, M. Schulte, F. Simonis, B. Uekermann, G. Abrams, H. Bungartz, L.C. Yau, I. Desai, K. Eder, R. Hertrich, F. Lindner, A. Rusch, D. Sashko, D. Schneider, A. Totounferoush, D. Volland, P. Vollmer and O.Z. Koseomur, April 2022.
Topology-preserving scan-based immersed isogeometric analysis by S.C. Divi, C.V. Verhoosel, F. Auricchio, A. Reali and E.H. van Brummelen, March 2022.
Anisotropic Congruency-Based Vector Hysteresis Model Applied to Non-Oriented Laminated Steels by R. Zeinali, D. Krop and E. Lomonova, June 2021.
The role of PDE-based parameterization techniques in gradient-based IGA shape optimization applications by J. Hinz, A. Jaeschke, M. Möller and C. Vuik, May 2021.
Finite Element Analysis of Laminar Heat Transfer within an Axial-Flux Permanent Magnet Machine by R. Willems, L.A.J. Friedrich and C.V. Verhoosel, February 2021.
Time- and Frequency-Domain Steady-State Solutions of Nonlinear Motional Eddy Currents Problems by L.A.J. Friedrich, January 2021.
Error-estimate-based adaptive integration for immersed isogeometric analysis by S.C. Divi, C.V. Verhoosel, F. Auricchio, A. Reali and E.H. van Brummelen, December 2020.
Singular Nature of the Elastocapillary Ridge by A. Pandey, B. Andreotti, S. Karpitschka, G.J. van Zwieten, E.H. van Brummelen and J.H. Snoeijer, September 2020.
Quasi-Newton waveform iteration for partitioned surface-coupled multiphysics applications by B. Rüth, B. Uekermann, M. Mehl, P. Birken, A. Monge and H.J. Bungartz, June 2020.
A staggered finite element procedure for the coupled Stokes-Biot system with fluid entry resistance by E.A. Bergkamp, C.V. Verhoosel, J.J.C. Remmers and D.M.J Smeulders, May 2020.
Entropy Stable Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Moment Methods for Compressible Fluid Dynamics by M.R.A. Abdelmalik and E.H. van Brummelen, February 2020.
Splipy: B-Spline and NURBS Modelling in Python by K.A. Johannessen and E. Fonn, January 2020.
Multigrid solvers for immersed finite element methods and immersed isogeometric analysis by F. de Prenter, C.V. Verhoosel, E.H. van Brummelen, J.A. Evans, C. Messe, J. Benzaken and K. Maute, November 2019.
Isogeometric Analysis of the Gray-Scott Reaction-Diffusion Equations for Pattern Formation on Evolving Surfaces and Applications to Human Gyrification by J. Hinz, J. van Zwieten, M. Möller and F. Vermolen, October 2019.
Preconditioning immersed isogeometric finite element methods with application to flow problems by F. de Prenter, C.V. Verhoosel and E.H. van Brummelen, May 2019.
Finite-Volume High-Fidelity Simulation Combined with Finite-Element-Based Reduced-Order Modeling of Incompressible Flow Problems by E. Fonn, T. Kvamsdal and A. Rasheed, April 2019.
Skeleton-stabilized immersogeometric analysis for incompressible viscous flow problems by T. Hoang, C.V. Verhoosel, C. Qin, F. Auricchio, A. Reali and E.H. van Brummelen, February 2019.
Elliptic grid generation techniques in the framework of isogeometric analysis applications by J. Hinz, M. Möller and C. Vuik, October 2018.
Spline-Based Parameterization Techniques for Twin-Screw Machine Geometries by J. Hinz, M. Möller and C. Vuik, September 2018.
Skeleton-stabilized IsoGeometric Analysis: High-regularity interior-penalty methods for incompressible viscous flow problems by T. Hoang, C.V. Verhoosel, F. Auricchio, E.H. van Brummelen and A. Reali, August 2018.
Fracture behaviour of historic and new oak wood by R.A. Luimes, A.S.J. Suiker, C.V. Verhoosel and H.L. Schellen, July 2018.
A note on the stability parameter in Nitsche's method for unfitted boundary value problems by F. de Prenter, C. Lehrenfeld and A. Massing, April 2018.
Error estimation and adaptive moment hierarchies for goal-oriented approximations of the Boltzmann equation by M.R.A. Abdelmalik and E.H. van Brummelen, October 2017.
An MSSS-preconditioned matrix equation approach for the time-harmonic elastic wave equation at multiple frequencies by M. Baumann, R. Astudillo, Y. Qiu, E.Y.M. Ang, M.B. van Gijzen and R.E. Plessix, June 2017.
Mixed Isogeometric Finite Cell Methods for the Stokes problem by T. Hoang, C.V. Verhoosel, F. Auricchio, E.H. van Brummelen and A. Reali, April 2017.
Elasto-capillarity Simulations based on the Navier-Stokes-Cahn-Hilliard Equations by E.H. Van Brummelen, M. Shokrpour-Roudbari and G.J. Van Zwieten, October 2016.
A fracture-controlled path-following technique for phase-field modeling of brittle fracture by N. Singh, C.V. Verhoosel, R. de Borst and E.H. van Brummelen, June 2016.
Condition number analysis and preconditioning of the finite cell method by F. de Prenter, C.V. Verhoosel, G.J. van Zwieten and E.H. van Brummelen, January 2016.
Duality-based two-level error estimation for time-dependent PDEs: Application to linear and nonlinear parabolic equations by G. Şimşek, X. Wu, K.G. van der Zee and E.H. van Brummelen, May 2015.
On the use of adaptive refinement in isogeometric digitalimage correlation S.M. Kleinendorst, J.P.M. Hoefnagels, C.V. Verhoosel and A.P. Ruybalid, May 2015.
Image-based goal-oriented adaptive isogeometric analysis with application to the micro-mechanical modeling of trabecular bone by C.V. Verhoosel, G.J. van Zwietena, B. van Rietbergen and R. de Borst, February 2015.
A finite-element/boundary-element method for three-dimensional, large-displacement fluid–structure-interaction by T.M. van Opstal, E.H. van Brummelen and G.J. van Zwieten, February 2015.
- Discontinuities without discontinuity: The Weakly-enforced Slip Method by G.J. van Zwietena, E.H. van Brummelen, K.G. van der Zee, M.A. Gutiérrez and R.F. Hanssen, April 2014.
Stabilized second-order convex splitting schemes for Cahn–Hilliard models with application to diffuse-interface tumor-growth models by X. Wu, G.J. van Zwieten and K.G. van der Zee, September 2013.
Adaptive Time-Stepping for Cahn-Hilliard-type Equations with Application to Diffuse-Interface Tumor-growth Models (pdf) by X. Wu, G.J. Van Zwieten, K.G. van der Zee and G. Simsek, March 2013.
Shape-Newton Method for Isogeometric Discretizations of Free-Boundary Problems by K.G. van der Zee, G.J. van Zwieten, C.V. Verhoosel and E.H. van Brummelen, February 2013.
Citing Nutils
To acknowledge Nutils in publications, authors are encouraged to cite the specific version of Nutils that was used to generate their results. To this end, Nutils releases are assigned a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) by Zenodo which can be used for citations. For instance, a bibliography entry for Nutils 7.0 could look like this:
- J.S.B. van Zwieten, G.J. van Zwieten, W. Hoitinga. (2022). Nutils 7.0. Zenodo. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.6006701.
For LaTeX documents, the corresponding bibtex entry would be:
title = {Nutils 7.0},
author = {van Zwieten, J.S.B. and van Zwieten, G.J. and Hoitinga, W.},
publisher = {Zenodo},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.6006701},
Note that Zenodo can additionally host and assign a DOI to code that is specific to the publication, which is a great way to share digital artifacts and ensure reproducibility of the research.
For questions that are not answered by the tutorial, the API reference for the relevant release, or the examples, there are a few avenues for getting additional support.
Questions that lend themselves to be formulated in a concise and general way can be made into a Q&A topic, where both developers and advanced users can weigh in their answers, and where they may be of benefit to others encountering the same issue. Be sure to check first if your issue was not discussed already!
If you believe that you have spotted a bug, the best thing to do is to file an issue. Issues should contain a description of the problem, the expected behaviour, and steps to reproduce, including the version of Nutils that the issue relates to. If you believe that the bug was recently introduced you can help the developers by identifying the first failing commit, for instance using bisection.
Finally, for general discussions, questions, suggestions, or just to say hello, everybody is welcome to join the nutils-users support channel at #nutils-users:matrix.org. Note that you will need to create an account at any Matrix server in order to join this channel.