Using topologies, bases and integrals, we now have the tools in place to start performing some actual functional-analytical operations. We start with what is perhaps the simplest of its kind, the least squares projection, demonstrating the different implementations now available to us and working our way up from there.
Taking the geometry component as an example, to project it onto the basis means finding the coefficients such that
for all , or . This is implemented as follows:
A = topo.integral('basis_m basis_n dV' @ ns, degree=2).eval()
f = topo.integral('basis_n x_0 dV' @ ns, degree=2).eval()
# solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 3e-17±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
Alternatively, we can write this in the slightly more general form
res = topo.integral('basis_n (u - x_0) dV' @ ns, degree=2)
Taking the derivative of to gives the above
matrix , and substituting for the zero vector
yields . Nutils can compute those derivatives for you, using the
method Array.derivative()
to compute the derivative with respect to an
, returning a new nutils.function.Array
A = res.derivative('lhs').eval()
f = -res.eval(lhs=numpy.zeros(5))
# solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 3e-17±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
The above three lines are so common that they are combined in the function
solver.solve_linear('lhs', res)
# solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 3e-17±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
We can take this formulation one step further. Minimizing
for is equivalent to the above two variants. The derivative of to gives :
sqr = topo.integral('(u - x_0)^2 dV' @ ns, degree=2)
solver.solve_linear('lhs', sqr.derivative('lhs'))
# solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 6e-17±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
The optimization problem can also be solved by the
function, which has the added benefit that
may be nonlinear in --- a property not used here.
solver.optimize('lhs', sqr)
# optimize > solve > solving 5 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# optimize > solve > solver returned with residual 0e+00±1e-15
# optimize > optimum value 0.00e+00±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
Nutils also supports solving a partial optimization problem. In the Laplace problem stated above, the Dirichlet boundary condition at minimizes the following functional:
sqr = topo.boundary['left'].integral('(u - 0)^2 dS' @ ns, degree=2)
By passing the droptol
argument, nutils.solver.optimize
returns an
array with nan
('not a number') for every entry for which the optimization
problem is invariant, or to be precise, where the variation is below
cons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15)
# optimize > constrained 1/5 dofs
# optimize > optimum value 0.00e+00
# array([ 0., nan, nan, nan, nan])±1e-15
Consider again the Laplace problem stated above. The residual is implemented as
res = topo.integral('∇_i(basis_n) ∇_i(u) dV' @ ns, degree=0)
res -= topo.boundary['right'].integral('basis_n dS' @ ns, degree=0)
Since this problem is linear in argument lhs
, we can use the
method to solve this problem. The constraints
are passed via the keyword argument constrain
lhs = solver.solve_linear('lhs', res, constrain=cons)
# solve > solving 4 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 9e-16±1e-15
# array([0. , 0.25, 0.5 , 0.75, 1. ])±1e-15
For nonlinear residuals you can use nutils.solver.newton