2D Laplace Problem
All of the above was written for a one-dimensional example. We now extend the Laplace problem to two dimensions and highlight the changes to the corresponding Nutils implementation. Let be a unit square with boundary , on which the following boundary conditions apply:
The 2D homogeneous Laplace solution is the field for which for all v, where
Adopting a Finite Element basis we obtain the discrete solution and the system of equations .
Following the same steps as in the 1D case, a unit square mesh with 10x10
elements is formed using nutils.mesh.rectilinear
nelems = 10
topo, geom = mesh.rectilinear([
numpy.linspace(0, 1, nelems+1), numpy.linspace(0, 1, nelems+1)])
Recall that nutils.mesh.rectilinear
takes a list of element vertices per
dimension. Alternatively you can create a unit square mesh using
, specifying the number of elements per dimension and
the element type:
topo, geom = mesh.unitsquare(nelems, 'square')
The above two statements generate exactly the same topology and geometry. Try
replacing 'square'
with 'triangle'
or 'mixed'
to generate a unit square
mesh with triangular elements or a mixture of square and triangular elements,
We start with a clean namespace, assign the geometry to ns.x
, create a linear
basis and define the solution ns.u
as the contraction of the basis with
argument lhs
ns = Namespace()
ns.x = geom
ns.define_for('x', gradient='∇', normal='n', jacobians=('dV', 'dS'))
ns.basis = topo.basis('std', degree=1)
ns.u = function.dotarg('lhs', ns.basis)
Note that the above statements are identical to those of the one-dimensional example.
The residual is implemented as
res = topo.integral('∇_i(basis_n) ∇_i(u) dV' @ ns, degree=2)
res -= topo.boundary['right'].integral('basis_n cos(1) cosh(x_1) dS' @ ns, degree=2)
The Dirichlet boundary conditions are rewritten as a least squares problem and
solved for lhs
, yielding the constraints vector cons
sqr = topo.boundary['left'].integral('u^2 dS' @ ns, degree=2)
sqr += topo.boundary['top'].integral('(u - cosh(1) sin(x_0))^2 dS' @ ns, degree=2)
cons = solver.optimize('lhs', sqr, droptol=1e-15)
# optimize > solve > solving 21 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# optimize > solve > solver returned with residual 3e-17±2e-15
# optimize > constrained 21/121 dofs
# optimize > optimum value 4.32e-10±1e-9
To solve the problem res=0
for lhs
subject to lhs=cons
the nan
values, we can use nutils.solver.solve_linear
lhs = solver.solve_linear('lhs', res, constrain=cons)
# solve > solving 100 dof system to machine precision using arnoldi solver
# solve > solver returned with residual 2e-15±2e-15
Finally, we plot the solution. We create a nutils.sample.Sample
object from
and evaluate the geometry and the solution:
bezier = topo.sample('bezier', 9)
x, u = bezier.eval(['x_i', 'u'] @ ns, lhs=lhs)
We use plt.tripcolor
to plot the sampled x
and u
plt.tripcolor(x[:,0], x[:,1], bezier.tri, u, shading='gouraud', rasterized=True)
This two-dimensional example is also available as the script examples/laplace.py